All-Projects configuration: @PLUGIN@.config

Config location: @PLUGIN@.config on refs/meta/config branch of All-Projects.

Example config

      enabled = True
      blockedRef = refs/heads/temp/*
      blockedRef = ^refs/heads/user/.*
      blockedProject = user/projects/*
      blockedProject = top/secret/project
      blockLightWeightTags = True.

Section “EventListeners”

Configuration for if Gerrit events should trigger Eiffel event creation.


enabled : Whether or not Gerrit events should trigger Eiffel event creation. (Default: True).

Section “EventsFilter”

Configuration for which Gerrit events should trigger Eiffel event creation.


blockedRef : Pattern(s) that blocks event creation for all matching refs. Supported: REGEX - if starts with “^”, WILDCARD - if ends with “*”, EXACT - in other cases.

blockedProject : Pattern(s) that blocks event creation for all matching projects. Supported: REGEX - if starts with “^”, WILDCARD - if ends with “*”, EXACT - in other cases.

blockLightWeightTags : Decides whether ArtC and CD events should be created for lightweight tags. (Default: False).