Configuration file: ./etc/@PLUGIN@.config

Config location: $SITE/etc/@PLUGIN@.config.

Example config

      url = amqp://
      exchange =
      username = user
      password = secret
      waitForConfirms = 7 seconds
      maxBatchSize = 100
      certificate = /path/to/certificate.crt
      graphQlUrl =
      goRestUrl =
      username = user
      password = secret
      poolSize = 4
      namespace = github
      trustLocalCache = False
      maxNbrOfEntries = 10000
      useIndex = False

Section “RabbitMq”

The configuration for the Rabbit MQ connection.


url : The url to the RabbitMq instance. (Required)

virtualHost : The virtual host to use when connecting to the broker (Default: “/”).

username : The AMQP user name to use when connecting to the broker.

password : The password to use when connecting to the broker.

exchange : The exchange to publish the message to. (Required)

persistentDelivery : Whether or not to use persistent delivery mode. (Default: true).

appId : The Rabbit MQ message property App ID. (Default: “Gerrit”).

routingKeyTag : Routing key for eiffel event should be formatted as: eiffel.$EVENT_TYPE.$TAG.$DOMAIN_ID This config option decides what $TAG should be set to. (Default: “notag”.)

waitForConfirms : How long the publisher should wait for confirms from RabbitMq. If set to a 0 or less confirms are disabled. (Default: 5000 ms.)

maxBatchSize : The maximum number of events that are published and confirmed together. If confirms are disabled this option has no real effect. (Default: 1.)

certificate : The certificate used for peer verification of server. If no certificate is set we will trust anyone.

Section “EiffelRepoClient”

Configuration for connecting to the Eiffel GraphQL API.


graphQlUrl : The url to the GraphQL endpoint. (Required)

goRestUrl : The url to the GoER REST endpoint. (Required)

username : The user name for the GraphQL service.

password : The password for the GraphQL service.

connectTimeout : Time to wait, in seconds, for a connection to be established. (Default: 20).

Section “EventParsing”

Configuration for tuning the event parsing machinery.


poolSize : Number of parallel workers parsing events. (Default: 1).

Section “EiffelEvent”

Configuration for Eiffel-specific configurations options


namespace : Specifies which namespace the repository is available in. This could be the name of a server or a symbolic name that identifies the repository manager. Typical values are “gerrit”, “gitlab” or “github”.

Section “EventIdCache”

Configuration for tuning the EventIdCache.


trustLocalCache : Trusts the state of the local cache and do not query Event Repository on cache-miss. This is useful when doing large back-fills of events or when you don't have an Event Repository set up. (Default: False).

maxNbrOfEntries : Number of entries that are allowed in the cache before entries starts to get evicted. (Default: 10000000)

Section “EventMapping”

Configuration for tuning the mapping of eiffel-events from historic commits and Gerrit events.


useIndex : Whether or not the index should be used when mapping. This will drastically increase performance when backfilling eiffel-events from history but will omit data from the eiffel-events such as change-id (when applicable) and submitter will be set as committer instead of actual submitter. (Default: True).