@PLUGIN@ Configuration

By configuration it is possible to specify which download schemes and commands are enabled.

The configuration must be done in the gerrit.config of the Gerrit server.

Section download

  command = checkout
  command = cherry_pick
  command = pull
  command = format_patch
  scheme = ssh
  scheme = http
  scheme = anon_http
  scheme = anon_git
  scheme = repo_download

The download section configures the allowed download methods.

download.command : Commands that should be offered to download changes.

Multiple commands are supported:

* `checkout`: Command to fetch and checkout the patch set.

* `cherry_pick`: Command to fetch the patch set and cherry-pick
it onto the current commit.

* `pull`: Command to pull the patch set.

* `format_patch`: Command to fetch the patch set and feed it
into the `format-patch` command.

If `download.command` is not specified, all download commands are

download.scheme : Schemes that should be used to download changes.

Multiple schemes are supported:

* `http`: Authenticated HTTP download is allowed.

* `ssh`: Authenticated SSH download is allowed.

* `anon_http`: Anonymous HTTP download is allowed.

* `anon_git`: Anonymous Git download is allowed.  This is not
default, it is also necessary to set [gerrit.canonicalGitUrl]

* `repo_download`: Gerrit advertises patch set downloads with the
`repo download` command, assuming that all projects managed by this
instance are generally worked on with the repo multi-repository
tool.  This is not default, as not all instances will deploy repo.

If `download.scheme` is not specified, SSH, HTTP and Anonymous HTTP
downloads are allowed.