It is possible to add a dependsOns section to the query output of changes using the @PLUGIN@ plugin switches. The following switches are available:
This switch is meant to be used to show all depends-ons from the latest Depends-on comment on the change. The switch output order matches the order from the change comment.
When a change has one or more depends-on associated with it, query output will have a “dependsOns” section under the plugins section like below:
$ ssh -x -p 29418 gerrit query --@PLUGIN@--all \ --format JSON change:144193 | head -1 | json_pp { "id" : "Ifc577c2660c26220c39df57627ca1053c3f2067c", ... "plugins" : [ { "name" : "@PLUGIN@", "dependsOns" : [ { "changeNumber": 732 }, { "changeNumber": 733 }, { "unresolved": "Ieace383c14de79bf202c85063d5a46a0580724dd" }, { "changeNumber": 734 } ], "name": "depends-on" } ] }