Add Zuul postflight publish job

This was added by default for other non-core plugins in [1], but since
we define our own project, we need to add the job ourselves.


Change-Id: I3cf21f867ac65fb811ca5263038e7d5d76b750a5
diff --git a/.zuul.yaml b/.zuul.yaml
index 00f109c..7431f6e 100644
--- a/.zuul.yaml
+++ b/.zuul.yaml
@@ -7,6 +7,15 @@
       - polymer-bridges
 - project:
+    description: |
+      Build the plugin in check, and also build and publish it after
+      every merged commit.
         - plugins-depends-on-build
+    post:
+      jobs:
+        - plugins-depends-on-build
+        - gerrit-plugin-publish:
+            dependencies:
+              - gerrit-plugin-build