Merge branch 'stable-2.16'

* stable-2.16:
  Format Java files with google-java-format 1.7
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.16
  Upgrade mockito-core to 2.25.0
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.15
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.14
  Update bazlets to fix build with bazel 0.23
  Update bazlets to fix build with bazel 0.23
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.16 to build with 2.16.6 API
  Upgrade bazlets to latest stable-2.15 to build with 2.15.11 API

Change-Id: I19d2ab64b3dc83c1221f10a4a8726ec0b54e71d2