blob: 04a04256ad7286388ba9b260e5b470aeb43e9f9b [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import './codemirror-imports';
import '@gerritcodereview/typescript-api/gerrit';
import {PluginApi} from '@gerritcodereview/typescript-api/plugin';
import {html, LitElement} from 'lit';
import {customElement, property, query} from 'lit/decorators.js';
import {CodeMirrorConfig} from './codemirror-imports';
import {setScriptSrc} from './safe-script';
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'gr-editor': GrEditor;
* This is a standard REST API object:
* TODO: Add this object to the plugin API.
interface EditPreferencesInfo {
tab_size?: number;
line_length?: number;
indent_unit?: number;
show_tabs?: boolean;
show_whitespace_errors?: boolean;
syntax_highlighting?: boolean;
match_brackets?: boolean;
line_wrapping?: boolean;
indent_with_tabs?: boolean;
auto_close_brackets?: boolean;
* This component just loads the CodeMirror js bundle lazily and converts the
* Gerrit preferences into CodeMirror params.
export class GrEditor extends LitElement {
@property({type: String}) fileContent?: string;
@property({type: String}) fileType?: string;
@property({type: Number}) lineNum?: number;
@property({type: Object}) prefs?: EditPreferencesInfo;
@property({type: Object}) plugin?: PluginApi;
@query('#codemirror') mirror?: HTMLScriptElement;
override render() {
if (!window.customElements.get('codemirror-element')) return;
return html`
override connectedCallback() {
window.customElements.whenDefined('codemirror-element').then(() => {
private loadCodeMirrorElement() {
if (document.head.querySelector('#codemirror')) return;
const script = document.createElement('script'); = 'codemirror';
script.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
setScriptSrc(script, this.plugin?.url() ?? '');
private codeMirrorParams(): CodeMirrorConfig {
const params: CodeMirrorConfig = {
value: this.fileContent ?? '',
if (this.prefs) {
params.autoCloseBrackets = this.prefs.auto_close_brackets;
params.cursorHeight = 0.85;
params.indentUnit = this.prefs.indent_unit;
params.indentWithTabs = this.prefs.indent_with_tabs;
params.lineNumbers = true;
params.lineWrapping = this.prefs.line_wrapping;
params.matchBrackets = this.prefs.match_brackets;
params.mode = this.prefs.syntax_highlighting ? this.fileType ?? '' : '';
params.showTabs = this.prefs.show_tabs;
params.showTrailingSpace = this.prefs.show_whitespace_errors;
params.tabSize = this.prefs.tab_size;
if (this.prefs.line_length) {
params.rulers = [{column: this.prefs.line_length}];
if (this.fileContent?.includes('\r\n')) {
params.lineSeparator = '\r\n';
return params;