Feature Set

The @PLUGIN@ plugin supports the following features:

  • Support for defining code owners:
    • Code owners can be specified in OWNERS files that can appear in any directory in the source branch.
    • Default code owners can be specified on repository level by an OWNERS file in the refs/meta/config branch.
    • Global code owners across repositories can be configured.
    • A fallback code owners policy controls who owns files that are not covered by OWNERS files.
    • Code owners can be specified by email (groups are not supported).
    • Inheritance from parent directories is supported and can be disabled.
    • Including an OWNERS file from other directories / branches / projects is possible (only on the same host).
    • File globs can be used.
    • see code owners documentation and OWNERS syntax

  • Prevents submitting changes without code owner approvals:
    • Which votes count as code owner approvals is configurable.
    • Implemented as Java submit rule (no Prolog).

  • Support for overrides:
  • UI extensions on change screen:
    • Code owner suggestion
    • Display of the code owners submit requirement
    • Display of code owner statuses in the file list
    • Change messages that list the owned paths.
    • see UI walkthrough and user guide

  • Extensible:
    • Supports multiple backends which can implement different syntaxes for OWNERS files.

  • Validation:
    • updates to OWNERS files are validated on commit received and submit
    • OWNERS files can be validated on demand to detect consistency issues

  • Rich REST API:
  • Highly configurable:

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