Config Guide

The @PLUGIN@ plugin has many configuration parameters that can be used to customize its behavior. These configuration parameters are described in the config documentation. This guide gives some additional recommendations for the configuration, but doesn't cover all configuration parameters.

Required Configuration

Before installing/enabling the plugin, or enabling the code owners functionality for further projects, it is important to do some basic configuration. This includes choosing a code owner backend, defining the approvals that count as code owner approval and as code owner override, opting-out projects or branches and configuring the allowed email domain. All this configuration is covered in detail by the setup guide.

Workflow Configuration

Some of the configuration parameters have an effect on the user workflow.

Implicit code owner approvals

It's possible to enable implicit approvals of code owners on their own changes. If enabled and the uploader of a patch set is a code owner, an approval of the uploader is assumed for all owned files. This means if a code owner uploads a change / patch set that only touches files that they own, no approval from other code owners is required for submitting the change.

If implicit approvals are enabled, paths can be exempted from requiring code owner approvals by assigning the code ownership to all users, as then any modification to the path is always implicitly approved by the uploader.

NOTE: If implicit approvals are disabled, users can still self-approve their own changes by voting on the required label.

Required code owner approvals on merge commits

For merge commits the list of modified files depends on the base against which the merge commit is compared:

  1. comparison against the destination branch (aka first parent commit): All files which differ between the merge commit and the destination branch. This includes all files which have been modified in the source branch since the last merge into the destination branch has been done.

  2. comparison against the Auto-Merge (Auto-Merge = result of automatically merging the source branch into the destination branch): Only shows files for which a conflict resolution has been done.

Which files a users sees on the change screen depends on their base selection.

For the @PLUGIN@ plugin it can be configured which files of a merge commit require code owner approvals, all files that differ with the destination branch (case 1) or only files that differ with the Auto-Merge (case 2). If case 1 is configured, all file diffs that have been approved in one branch must be re-approved when they are merged into another branch. If case 2 is configured, only conflict resolutions have to be approved when a merge is done.

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