
The @PLUGIN@ plugin exports several metrics which can give insights into the usage and performance of the code owners functionality.

All metrics have the following prefix: plugins/@PLUGIN@/

Latency Metrics

  • add_change_message_on_add_reviewer: Latency for adding a change message with the owned path when a code owner is added as a reviewer.
  • compute_changed_files: Latency for computing changed files.
  • compute_file_status: Latency for computing the file status for one file.
  • compute_file_statuses: Latency for computing file statuses for all files in a change.
  • compute_owned_paths: Latency for computing file statuses.
  • compute_owned_paths: Latency for computing the files in a change that are owned by a user.
  • compute_patch_set_approvals: Latency for computing the approvals of the current patch set.
  • extend_change_message_on_post_review: Latency for extending the change message with the owned path when a code owner approval is applied.
  • get_auto_merge: Latency for getting the auto merge commit of a merge commit.
  • get_changed_files: Latency for getting changed files from diff cache.
  • prepare_file_status_computation: Latency for preparing the file status computation.
  • prepare_file_status_computation_for_account: Latency for preparing the file status computation for an account.
  • resolve_code_owner_config: Latency for resolving a code owner config file.
  • resolve_code_owner_config_import: Latency for resolving an import of a code owner config file.
  • resolve_code_owner_config_imports: Latency for resolving all imports of a code owner config file.
  • resolve_code_owner_references: Latency for resolving the code owner references.
  • resolve_path_code_owners: Latency for resolving the code owners of a path.
  • run_code_owner_submit_rule: Latency for running the code owner submit rule.

Code Owner Config Metrics

  • code_owner_cache_reads_per_change: Number of code owner cache reads per change.
  • code_owner_config_cache_reads_per_change: Number of code owner config cache reads per change.
  • code_owner_config_backend_reads_per_change: Number of code owner config backend reads per change.
  • code_owner_resolutions_per_change: Number of code owner resolutions per change.
  • load_code_owner_config: Latency for loading a code owner config file (read + parse).
  • parse_code_owner_config: Latency for parsing a code owner config file.
  • read_code_owner_config: Latency for reading a code owner config file.

Counter Metrics

  • count_code_owner_config_reads: Total number of code owner reads from cache.
  • count_code_owner_config_reads: Total number of code owner config reads from backend.
  • count_code_owner_config_cache_reads: Total number of code owner config reads from cache.
  • count_code_owner_config_validations: Total number of code owner config validations.
    • trigger: The trigger of the validation.
    • result: The result of the validation.
    • dry_run: Whether the validation was a dry run.
  • `count_code_owner_resolutions Total number of code owner resolutions.
  • count_code_owner_submit_rule_errors: Total number of code owner submit rule errors.
    • cause: The cause of the submit rule error.
  • count_code_owner_submit_rule_runs: Total number of code owner submit rule runs.
  • count_code_owner_suggestions: Total number of code owner suggestions.
    • resolve_all_users: Whether code ownerships that are assigned to all users are resolved to random users.
  • count_invalid_code_owner_config_files: Total number of failed requests caused by an invalid / non-parsable code owner config file.
    • project: The name of the project that contains the invalid code owner config file.
    • branch: The name of the branch that contains the invalid code owner config file.
    • path: The path of the invalid code owner config file.

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