This page describes the code owners REST endpoints that are added by the @PLUGIN@ plugin.

Please also take note of the general information on the REST API.

Project Endpoints

Get Code Owner Project Config

‘GET /projects/{project-name}/code_owners.project_config’

Gets the code owner project configuration.

As a response a CodeOwnerProjectConfigInfo entity is returned that describes the code owner project configuration.

The response includes the configuration of all branches. If a caller is interested in a particular branch only, the Get Code Owner Branch Config REST endpoint should be used instead, as that REST endpoint is much faster if the project contains many branches.


  GET /projects/foo%2Fbar/code_owners.project_config HTTP/1.0


  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Content-Disposition: attachment
  Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

    "general": {
      "merge_commit_strategy": "ALL_CHANGED_FILES"
    "status": {
      "disabled_branches": [
    "backend": {
      "id": "find-owners",
      "ids_by_branch": {
        "refs/heads/experimental": "proto"
    "required_approval": {
      "label": "Code-Review",
      "value": 1
    "override_approval": {
      "label": "Owners-Override",
      "value": 1

Check Code Owner Config Files

‘POST /projects/{project-name}/code_owners.check_config’

Checks/validates the code owner config files in a project.

Requires that the caller is an owner of the project.

Input options can be set in the request body as a CheckCodeOwnerConfigFilesInput entity.

No validation is done for branches for which the code owner functionality is disabled, unless validate_disabled_branches is set to true in the input.

As a response a map is returned that maps a branch name to a map that maps an owner configuration file path to a list of ConsistencyProblemInfo entities.

Code owner config files that have no issues are omitted from the response.


  POST /projects/foo%2Fbar/code_owners.check_config HTTP/1.0


  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Content-Disposition: attachment
  Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

    "refs/heads/master": {
      "/OWNERS": [
          "status": "ERROR",
          "message": "code owner email '' in '/OWNERS' cannot be resolved for John Doe"
          "status": "ERROR",
          "message": "code owner email '' in '/OWNERS' cannot be resolved for John Doe"
      "/foo/OWNERS": [
          "status": "ERROR",
          "message": "invalid global import in '/foo/OWNERS': '/not-a-code-owner-config' is not a code owner config file"
    "refs/heads/stable-1.0" {},
    "refs/heads/stable-1.1" {
      "/foo/OWNERS": [
          "status": "ERROR",
          "message": "invalid global import in '/foo/OWNERS': '/not-a-code-owner-config' is not a code owner config file"

Branch Endpoints

Get Code Owner Branch Config

‘GET /projects/{project-name}/branches/{branch-id}/code_owners.branch_config’

Gets the code owner branch configuration.

As a response a CodeOwnerBranchConfigInfo entity is returned that describes the code owner branch configuration.


  GET /projects/foo%2Fbar/branches/master/code_owners.branch_config HTTP/1.0


  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Content-Disposition: attachment
  Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

    "general": {
      "merge_commit_strategy": "ALL_CHANGED_FILES"
    "backend_id": "find-owners",
    "required_approval": {
      "label": "Code-Review",
      "value": 1
    "override_approval": {
      "label": "Owners-Override",
      "value": 1

### <a id="list-code-owner-config-files">List Code Owner Config Files
_'GET /projects/[\{project-name\}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-projects.html#project-name)/branches/[\{branch-id\}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-projects.html#branch-id)/code_owners.config_files/'_

Lists the code owner config files in a branch.

This REST endpoint scans all code owner config files in the branch and it is
expected that it can take a long time if the branch contains many files. This is
why this REST endpoint must not be used in any critical paths where performance

The following request parameters can be specified:

| Field Name  |          | Description |
| ----------- | -------- | ----------- |
| `email`     | optional | Code owner email that must appear in the returned
code owner config files.

#### Request

GET /projects/foo%2Fbar/branches/master/code_owners.config_files HTTP/1.0

As response the paths of the code owner config files are returned as a list. The result also includes code owner config that use name prefixes ('\<prefix\>_OWNERS') or name extensions ('OWNERS_\<extension\>'). Non-parseable code owner config files are omitted from the response. #### Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

)]}' [ “/OWNERS”, “/foo/OWNERS”, “/foo/bar/baz/OWNERS”, “/foo/bar/baz/OWNERS_BUILD” ]

### <a id="get-code-owner-config">[EXPERIMENTAL] Get Code Owner Config _'GET /projects/[\{project-name\}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-projects.html#project-name)/branches/[\{branch-id\}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-projects.html#branch-id)/code_owners.config/[\{path\}](#path)'_ Gets a code owner config for a path in a branch. The code owner config is returned as [CodeOwnerConfigInfo](#code-owner-config-info) entity This REST endpoint is experimental which means that the response format is likely still going to be changed. It is only available if [experimental REST endpoints are enabled](config.html#pluginCodeOwnersEnableExperimentalRestEndpoints) in `gerrit.config`. #### Request

GET /projects/foo%2Fbar/branches/master/code_owners.config/%2Fdocs%2Fconfig HTTP/1.0

#### Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

)]}' { “code_sets”: [ “code_owners” [ { “email”: “” }, { “email”: “” } ] ] }

If the path does not exist or if no code owner config exists for the path '`204 No Content`' is returned. ### <a id="list-code-owners-for-path-in-branch"> List Code Owners for path in branch _'GET /projects/[\{project-name\}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-projects.html#project-name)/branches/[\{branch-id\}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-projects.html#branch-id)/code_owners/[\{path\}](#path)'_ Lists the accounts that are code owners of a file or folder in a branch. The code owners are computed from the owner configuration at the tip of the specified branch. Code owners that * are inactive * are not visible to the calling user (according to [accounts.visibility](../../../Documentation/config-gerrit.html#accounts.visibility) setting) * are referenced by non-visible secondary emails * are not resolvable (emails for which no Gerrit account exists) * are ambiguous (the same email is assigned to multiple accounts) * are referenced by an email with a disallowed domain (see [allowedEmailDomain configuration](config.html#pluginCodeOwnersAllowedEmailDomain)) * do not have read access to the branch * are service users (members of the `Service Users` group) are omitted from the result. The following request parameters can be specified: | Field Name | | Description | | ----------- | -------- | ----------- | | `o` | optional | [Account option](../../../Documentation/rest-api-accounts.html#query-options) that controls which fields in the returned accounts should be populated. Can be specified multiple times. If not given, only the `_account_id` field for the account ID is populated. | `O` | optional | [Account option](../../../Documentation/rest-api-accounts.html#query-options) in hex. For the explanation see `o` parameter. | `limit`\|`n` | optional | Limit defining how many code owners should be returned at most. By default 10. | `revision` | optional | Revision from which the code owner configs should be read as commit SHA1. Can be used to read historic code owners. If not specified the code owner configs are read from the HEAD revision of the branch. Not supported for getting code owners for a path in a change. As a response a list of [CodeOwnerInfo](#code-owner-info) entities is returned. The returned code owners are sorted by an internal score that expresses how good the code owners are considered as reviewers/approvers for the path. Code owners with higher scores are returned first. If code owners have the same score the order is random. #### Request

GET /projects/foo%2Fbar/branches/master/code_owners/ HTTP/1.0

#### Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

)]}' [ { “account”: { “_account_id”: 1000096 } }, { “account”: { “_account_id”: 1001439 }, } ]

## <a id="change-endpoints"> Change Endpoints ### <a id="get-code-owner-status"> Get Code Owner Status _'GET /changes/[\{change-id}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#change-id)/code_owners.status'_ Gets the code owner statuses for the files in a change. The code owner statuses are always listed for the files in the current revision of the change (latest patch set). The code owner statuses are returned as a [CodeOwnerStatusInfo](#code-owner-status-info) entity. #### Request

GET /changes/275378/code_owners.status HTTP/1.0

#### Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

)]}' { “patch_set_number”: 2, “file_code_owner_statuses”: [ { “change_type”: “ADDED”, “new_path_status” { “path”: “docs/”, “status”: “APPROVED” } }, { “change_type”: “DELETED”, “old_path_status” { “path”: “docs/todo.txt”, “status”: “PENDING” } }, { “change_type”: “RENAMED”, “old_path_status” { “path”: “user-introduction.txt”, “status”: “INSUFFICIENT_REVIEWERS” }, “new_path_status” { “path”: “docs/”, “status”: “APPROVED” } } ] }

If the destination branch of a change no longer exists (e.g. because it was deleted), `409 Conflict` is returned. Since the code owners are retrieved from the destination branch, computing the code owner status is not possible, if the destination branch is missing. ## <a id="revision-endpoints"> Revision Endpoints ### <a id="list-code-owners-for-path-in-change"> List Code Owners for path in change _'GET /changes/[\{change-id}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#change-id)/revisions/[\{revison-id\}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#revision-id)/code_owners/[\{path\}](#path)'_ Lists the accounts that are code owners of a file in a change revision. The code owners are computed from the owner configuration at the tip of the change's destination branch. This REST endpoint has the exact same request and response format as the [REST endpoint to list code owners for a path in a branch](#list-code-owners-for-path-in-branch). ### <a id="check-code-owner-config-files-in-revision">Check Code Owner Config Files In Revision _'POST /changes/[\{change-id}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#change-id)/revisions/[\{revison-id\}](../../../Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#revision-id)/code_owners.check_config'_ Checks/validates the code owner config files in a revision that have been modified. The validation is performed from the perspective of the uploader, so that the validation is exactly the same as the validation that will be done on submit. Input options can be set in the request body as a [CheckCodeOwnerConfigFilesInRevisionInput](#check-code-owner-config-files-in-revision-input) entity. As a response a map is returned that that maps an owner configuration file path to a list of [ConsistencyProblemInfo](../../../Documentation/rest-api-config.html#consistency-problem-info) entities. Code owner config files that were not modified in the revision are omitted from the response. #### Request

POST /changes/20187/revisions/current/code_owners.check_config HTTP/1.0

#### Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

)]}' { “/OWNERS”: [ { “status”: “ERROR”, “message”: “code owner email ‘’ in ‘/OWNERS’ cannot be resolved for John Doe” }, { “status”: “ERROR”, “message”: “code owner email ‘’ in ‘/OWNERS’ cannot be resolved for John Doe” } ], “/foo/OWNERS”: [ { “status”: “ERROR”, “message”: “invalid global import in ‘/foo/OWNERS’: ‘/not-a-code-owner-config’ is not a code owner config file” } ] }

## <a id="ids"> IDs ### <a id="path"> \{path\} An arbitrary absolute path. The leading'/' can be omitted. The path may or may not exist in the branch. ## <a id="json-entities"> JSON Entities ### <a id="backend-info"> BackendInfo The `BackendInfo` entity describes the code owner backend configuration. | Field Name | | Description | | --------------- | -------- | ----------- | | `id` || ID of the code owner backend that is configured for the project. | `ids_by_branch` | optional | IDs of the code owner backends that are configured for individual branches as map of full branch names to code owner backend IDs. Only contains entries for branches for which a code owner backend is configured that differs from the backend that is configured for the project (see `id` field). Configurations for non-existing and non-visible branches are omitted. Not set if no branch specific backend configuration is returned. --- ### <a id="check-code-owner-config-files-input"> CheckCodeOwnerConfigFilesInput The `CheckCodeOwnerConfigFilesInput` allows to set options for the [Check Code Owner Config Files REST endpoint](#check-code-owner-config-files). | Field Name | | Description | | ---------------------------- | -------- | ----------- | | `validate_disabled_branches` | optional | Whether code owner config files in branches for which the code owners functionality is disabled should be validated too. By default unset, `false`. | `branches` | optional | List of branches for which code owner config files should be validated. The `refs/heads/` prefix may be omitted. By default unset, which means that code owner config files in all branches should be validated. | `path` | optional | Glob that limits the validation to code owner config files that have a path that matches this glob. By default unset, which means that all code owner config files should be validated. --- ### <a id="check-code-owner-config-files-in-revision-input"> CheckCodeOwnerConfigFilesInRevisionInput The `CheckCodeOwnerConfigFilesInRevisionInput` allows to set options for the [Check Code Owner Config Files In Revision REST endpoint](#check-code-owner-config-files-in-revision). | Field Name | | Description | | ---------------------------- | -------- | ----------- | | `path` | optional | Glob that limits the validation to code owner config files that have a path that matches this glob. By default unset, which means that all modified code owner config files should be validated. --- ### <a id="code-owner-config-info"> CodeOwnerConfigInfo The `CodeOwnerConfigInfo` entity contains information about a code owner config for a path. | Field Name | | Description | | ----------- | -------- | ----------- | | `ignore_parent_code_owners` | optional, not set if `false` | Whether code owners from parent code owner configs (code owner configs in parent folders) should be ignored. | `code_owner_sets` | optional | A list of code owner sets as [CodeOwnerSetInfo](#code-owner-set-info) entities. --- ### <a id="code-owner-info"> CodeOwnerInfo The `CodeOwnerInfo` entity contains information about a code owner. | Field Name | | Description | | ----------- | -------- | ----------- | | `account` | optional | The account of the code owner as an [AccountInfo](../../../Documentation/rest-api-accounts.html#account-info) entity. At the moment the `account` field is always set, but it's marked as optional as in the future we may also return groups as code owner and then the `account` field would be unset. --- ### <a id="code-owner-branch-config-info"> CodeOwnerBranchConfigInfo The `CodeOwnerBranchConfigInfo` entity describes the code owner branch configuration. | Field Name | | Description | | ----------- | -------- | ----------- | | `general` | optional | The general code owners configuration as [GeneralInfo](#general-info) entity. Not set if `disabled` is `true`. | `disabled` | optional | Whether the code owners functionality is disabled for the branch. If `true` the code owners API is disabled and submitting changes doesn't require code owner approvals. Not set if `false`. | `backend_id`| optional | ID of the code owner backend that is configured for the branch. Not set if `disabled` is `true`. | `required_approval` | optional | The approval that is required from code owners to approve the files in a change as [RequiredApprovalInfo](#required-approval-info) entity. The required approval defines which approval counts as code owner approval. Not set if `disabled` is `true`. | `override_approval` | optional | The approval that is required to override the code owners submit check as [RequiredApprovalInfo](#required-approval-info) entity. If unset, overriding the code owners submit check is disabled. Not set if `disabled` is `true`. | `no_code_owners_defined` | optional | Whether the branch doesn't contain any code owner config file yet. If a branch doesn't contain any code owner config file yet, the projects owners are considered as code owners. Once a first code owner config file is added to the branch, the project owners are no longer code owners (unless code ownership is granted to them via the code owner config file). Not set if `false` or if `disabled` is `true`. --- ### <a id="code-owner-project-config-info"> CodeOwnerProjectConfigInfo The `CodeOwnerProjectConfigInfo` entity describes the code owner project configuration. | Field Name | | Description | | ---------- | -------- | ----------- | | `general` | optional | The general code owners configuration as [GeneralInfo](#general-info) entity. Not set if `status.disabled` is `true`. | `status` | optional | The code owner status configuration as [CodeOwnersStatusInfo](#code-owners-status-info) entity. Contains information about whether the code owners functionality is disabled for the project or for any branch. | `backend` | optional | The code owner backend configuration as [BackendInfo](#backend-info) entity. Not set if `status.disabled` is `true`. | `required_approval` | optional | The approval that is required from code owners to approve the files in a change as [RequiredApprovalInfo](#required-approval-info) entity. The required approval defines which approval counts as code owner approval. Not set if `status.disabled` is `true`. | `override_approval` | optional | The approval that is required to override the code owners submit check as [RequiredApprovalInfo](#required-approval-info) entity. If unset, overriding the code owners submit check is disabled. Not set if `status.disabled` is `true`. --- ### <a id="code-owner-reference-info"> CodeOwnerReferenceInfo The `CodeOwnerReferenceInfo` entity contains information about a code owner reference in a code owner config. | Field Name | Description | | ---------- | ----------- | | `email` | The email of the code owner. --- ### <a id="code-owner-set-info"> CodeOwnerSetInfo The `CodeOwnerSetInfo` entity defines a set of code owners. | Field Name | | Description | | ------------- | -------- | ----------- | | `code_owners` | optional | The list of code owners as [CodeOwnerReferenceInfo](#code-owner-reference-info) entities. ### <a id="code-owner-status-info"> CodeOwnerStatusInfo The `CodeOwnerStatusInfo` entity describes the code owner statuses for the files in a change. | Field Name | Description | | ------------------ | ----------- | | `patch_set_number` | The number of the patch set for which the code owner statuses are returned. | `file_code_owner_statuses` | List of the code owner statuses for the files in the change as [FileCodeOwnerStatusInfo](#file-code-owner-status-info) entities, sorted by new path, then old path. ### <a id="code-owners-status-info"> CodeOwnersStatusInfo The `CodeOwnersStatusInfo` contains information about whether the code owners functionality is disabled for a project or for any branch. | Field Name | | Description | | ---------- | ------- | ----------- | | `disabled` | optional | Whether the code owners functionality is disabled for the project. If `true` the code owners API is disabled and submitting changes doesn't require code owner approvals. Not set if `false`. | `disabled_branches` | optional | Branches for which the code owners functionality is disabled. Configurations for non-existing and non-visible branches are omitted. Not set if the `disabled` field is `true` or if no branch specific status configuration is returned. ### <a id="file-code-owner-status-info"> FileCodeOwnerStatusInfo The `FileCodeOwnerStatusInfo` entity describes the code owner statuses for a file in a change. | Field Name | | Description | | ------------- | -------- | ----------- | | `change_type` | optional | The type of the file modification. Can be `ADDED`, `MODIFIED`, `DELETED`, `RENAMED` or `COPIED`. Not set if `MODIFIED`. | `old_path_status` | optional | The code owner status for the old path as [PathCodeOwnerStatusInfo](#path-code-owner-status-info) entity. Only set if `change_type` is `DELETED` or `RENAMED`. | `new_path_status` | optional | The code owner status for the new path as [PathCodeOwnerStatusInfo](#path-code-owner-status-info) entity. Not set if `change_type` is `DELETED`. ### <a id="general-info"> GeneralInfo The `GeneralInfo` entity contains general code owners configuration parameters. | Field Name | | Description | | ---------------- | -------- | ----------- | | `file_extension` | optional | The file extension that is used for the code owner config files in this project. Not set if no file extension is used. | `merge_commit_strategy` || Strategy that defines for merge commits which files require code owner approvals. Can be `ALL_CHANGED_FILES` or `FILES_WITH_CONFLICT_RESOLUTION` (see [mergeCommitStrategy](config.html#pluginCodeOwnersMergeCommitStrategy) for an explanation of these values). | `implicit_approvals` | optional | Whether an implicit code owner approval from the last uploader is assumed (see [enableImplicitApprovals](config.html#pluginCodeOwnersEnableImplicitApprovals) for details). When unset, `false`. | `override_info_url` | optional | Optional URL for a page that provides project/host-specific information about how to request a code owner override. ### <a id="path-code-owner-status-info"> PathCodeOwnerStatusInfo The `PathCodeOwnerStatusInfo` entity describes the code owner status for a path in a change. | Field Name | Description | | ------------------ | ----------- | | `path` | The path to which the code owner status applies. | `status` | The code owner status for the path. Can be 'INSUFFICIENT_REVIEWERS' (the path needs a code owner approval, but none of its code owners is currently a reviewer of the change), `PENDING` (a code owner of this path has been added as reviewer, but no code owner approval for this path has been given yet) or `APPROVED` (the path has been approved by a code owner or a code owners override is present). --- ### <a id="required-approval-info"> RequiredApprovalInfo The `RequiredApprovalInfo` entity describes an approval that is required for an action. | Field Name | Description | | ---------- | ----------- | | `label` | The name of label on which an approval is required. | `value` | The voting value that is required on the label. --- Back to [@PLUGIN@ documentation index](index.html) Part of [Gerrit Code Review](../../../Documentation/index.html)