/changes//revisions//checks/ REST API

This page describes the check-related REST endpoints that are added by the @PLUGIN@ plugin.

Please also take note of the general information on the REST API.

Check Endpoints

List Checks

‘GET /changes/{change-id}/revisions/{revision-id}/revisions/checks’

Retrieves all checks for a given revision and change.


  GET /changes/1/revisions/1/checks HTTP/1.0

As response a list of CheckInfo entities is returned. Returns checks for checkers regardless of their state (also for DISABLED checkers).


  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Content-Disposition: attachment
  Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
      "project": "test-project",
      "change_number": 1,
      "patch_set_id": 1,
      "checker_uuid": "test:my-checker",
      "state": "NOT_STARTED",
      "url": "https://foo.corp.com/test-checker/results/123",
      "created": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"
      "updated": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"
      "project": "test-project",
      "change_number": 1,
      "patch_set_id": 1,
      "checker_uuid": "foo:foo-checker",
      "state": "FINISHED",
      "created": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"
      "updated": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"

Get Check

‘GET /changes/{change-id}/revisions/{revision-id}/revisions/checks/{checker-id}

Retrieves a check.

Returns a check regardless of the state that the checker is in (also for DISABLED checkers).


  GET /changes/1/revisions/1/checks/test:my-checker HTTP/1.0

As response a CheckInfo entity is returned that describes the check.


  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Content-Disposition: attachment
  Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "project": "test-project",
    "change_number": 1,
    "patch_set_id": 1,
    "checker_uuid": "test:my-checker",
    "state": "NOT_STARTED",
    "url": "https://foo.corp.com/test-checker/results/123",
    "created": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"
    "updated": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"

Create Check

‘POST /changes/1/revisions/1/checks/’

Creates a new check.

In the request body the data for the checker must be provided as a CheckInput entity.

Note that only users with the Administrate Checkers global capability are permitted to create check.


  POST /changes/1/revisions/1/checks/ HTTP/1.0
  Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "checker_uuid": "test:my-checker",
    "state": "RUNNING",
    "url": "https://foo.corp.com/test-checker/results/123",
    "started": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000",

As response the CheckInfo entity is returned that describes the created check.


  HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED
  Content-Disposition: attachment
  Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "project": "test-project",
    "change_number": 1,
    "patch_set_id": 1,
    "checker_uuid": "test:my-checker",
    "state": "RUNNING",
    "url": "https://foo.corp.com/test-checker/results/123",
    "started": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000",
    "created": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"
    "updated": "2019-01-31 09:59:32.126000000"

Update Check

‘POST /changes/1/revisions/1/checks/’ ‘POST /changes/1/revisions/1/checks/test:my-checker’

Updates a check. The semantics are the same as for CreateCheck.

This REST endpoint supports partial updates of the checker property set. Only properties that are set in the CheckInput entity are updated. Properties that are not set in the input (or that have null as value) are not touched.

If the checker-id is provided as part of the URL, it must either match the value provided in the request body via CheckInput or the value in the request body is omitted.

JSON Entities


The CheckInfo entity describes a check.

Field NameDescription
projectThe project name that this check applies to.
change_numberThe change number that this check applies to.
patch_set_idThe patch set that this check applies to.
checker_uuidThe UUID of the checker that reported this check.
stateThe state as string-serialized form of CheckState
urloptionalA fully-qualified URL pointing to the result of the check on the checker's infrastructure.
startedoptionalThe timestamp of when the check started processing.
finishedoptionalThe timestamp of when the check finished processing.
createdThe timestamp of when the check was created.
updatedThe timestamp of when the check was last updated.


The CheckInput entity contains information for creating or updating a check.

Field NameDescription
checker_uuidoptionalThe name of the checker. Must be specified for checker creation. Optional only if updating a check and referencing the checker using the UUID in the URL.
stateoptionalThe state as string-serialized form of CheckState
urloptionalA fully-qualified URL pointing to the result of the check on the checker's infrastructure.
startedoptionalThe timestamp of when the check started processing.
finishedoptionalThe timestamp of when the check finished processing.

CheckState (enum)

The CheckState enum can have the following values: NOT_STARTED, FAILED, SCHEDULED, RUNNING, SUCCESSFUL and NOT_RELEVANT.