
The dynamodb-refdb plugin is configured by adding a plugin stanza in the gerrit.config file, for example:

[plugin "aws-dynamodb-refdb"]
    region = us-east-1
    endpoint = http://localhost:4566
    locksTableName = lockTable
    refsDbTableName = refsDb
    profileName = aws-dynamodb-refdb : Optional. Which AWS region to connect to. Default: When not specified this value is provided via the default Region Provider Chain, as explained here : Optional. When defined, it will override the default dynamodb endpoint will connect to it, rather than connecting to AWS. This is useful when developing or testing, in order to connect locally. See localstack to understand more about how run dynamodb stack outside AWS. Default: : Optional. The name of the dynamoDB table used to store distribute locking See DynamoDB lock client : Optional. The name of the dynamoDB table used to store git refs and their associated sha1. : Optional. The name of the aws configuration and credentials profile used to connect to the DynamoDb. See Configuration and credential file settings Default: When not specified credentials are provided via the Default Credentials Provider Chain, as explained here