Drop Maven support

Maintaining two build systems is just a huge waste of time.

Change-Id: I03e2fff93174d5503fcb339d0c42f9ce74bc2b4a
2 files changed
tree: ddaca37b7aa05834e67e3d9e537ba7d940da2d2b
  1. .settings/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. BUCK
  6. README.md

External URL Avatar Plugin Configuration

This plugin allows to use an own web service to load the avatar images from.


  • avatar.url - the location of avatar images containing %s, which will then be replaced by the username. Required.
  • avatar.changeUrl - the URL shown in Gerrit's user settings to tell the user, where the avatar can be changed. Optional.

Example (to be added to etc/gerrit.config):

    url = http://example.org/avatars/%s.jpg
    changeUrl = http://example.org/account.html

Please note that http:// URLs will be automatically rewritten to https://, if gerrit.canonicalWebUrl uses HTTPS.