blob: cd048c64cbbfe8ff10e8f9087967ae7e577e8c92 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.criteo.gerrit.plugins.automerge;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Config;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class AutomergeConfig {
public final static String AUTOMERGE_SECTION = "automerge";
public final static String BOT_EMAIL_KEY = "botEmail";
public final PluginComment atomicReviewDetected;
public final PluginComment atomicReviewsSameRepo;
public final PluginComment cantMergeGitConflict;
public final PluginComment cantMergeDependsOnNonMerged;
private final static String defaultBotEmail = "";
private final static String defaultTopicPrefix = "crossrepo/";
public final static String TOPIC_PREFIX_KEY = "topicPrefix";
public static final String getDefaultBotEmail() {
return defaultBotEmail;
public static final String getDefaultTopicPrefix() {
return defaultTopicPrefix;
private String botEmail;
private final File templatesPath;
private String topicPrefix;
public AutomergeConfig(@GerritServerConfig final Config config, final SitePaths paths) {
botEmail = config.getString(AUTOMERGE_SECTION, null, BOT_EMAIL_KEY);
if (botEmail == null) {
botEmail = defaultBotEmail;
topicPrefix = config.getString(AUTOMERGE_SECTION, null, TOPIC_PREFIX_KEY);
if (topicPrefix == null) {
topicPrefix = defaultTopicPrefix;
templatesPath = paths.etc_dir.toFile();
atomicReviewDetected = new PluginComment(getCommentPath("atomic_review_detected.txt"),
"This review is part of a cross-repository change.\n"
+ "It will be submitted once all related reviews are submittable.");
atomicReviewsSameRepo = new PluginComment(getCommentPath("atomic_review_same_repo.txt"),
"This cross-repo review depends on a not merged commit that must be merged first.");
cantMergeGitConflict = new PluginComment(getCommentPath("cantmerge_git_conflict.txt"),
"This cross-repo review is blocked by a git conflict on change #/c/%d.");
cantMergeDependsOnNonMerged = new PluginComment(getCommentPath("cantmerge_depends_on_non_merged.txt"),
"This cross-repo review is blocked by a non merged commit below #/c/%d.");
public final String getBotEmail() {
return botEmail;
public final File getCommentPath(String fileName) {
return new File(templatesPath.getPath(), fileName);
public final String getTopicPrefix() {
return topicPrefix;