Revert "Remove redundant test for topics with quotation marks"

This reverts commit bf67ac6bffb8b8f32b19e5a656ca5d7b6b93b279.

Reason for revert: Removed the wrong test.

Change-Id: Ice79ec8cef0a4854e39ca518730dfcea3130272a
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/automerger/ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/automerger/
index 60e25ed..c472128 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/automerger/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/automerger/
@@ -608,6 +608,32 @@
+  public void testTopicEditedListener() throws Exception {
+    Project.NameKey manifestNameKey = defaultSetup();
+    // Create initial change
+    PushOneCommit.Result result =
+        createChange(testRepo, "master", "subject", "filename", "content", "testtopic");
+    // Project name is scoped by test, so we need to get it from our initial change
+    String projectName = result.getChange().project().get();
+    createBranch(BranchNameKey.create(projectName, "ds_one"));
+    createBranch(BranchNameKey.create(projectName, "ds_two"));
+    pushDefaultConfig("automerger.config", manifestNameKey.get(), projectName, "ds_one", "ds_two");
+    // After we upload our config, we upload a new patchset to create the downstreams
+    amendChange(result.getChangeId());
+    result.assertOkStatus();
+    gApi.changes().id(result.getChangeId()).topic("multiple words");
+    gApi.changes().id(result.getChangeId()).topic("singlewordagain");
+    // Check that there are the correct number of changes in the topic
+    List<ChangeInfo> changesInTopic =
+        gApi.changes()
+            .query("topic:\"" + gApi.changes().id(result.getChangeId()).topic() + "\"")
+            .get();
+    assertThat(changesInTopic).hasSize(3);
+    // +2 and submit
+    merge(result);
+  }
+  @Test
   public void testTopicEditedListener_withQuotes() throws Exception {
     Project.NameKey manifestNameKey = defaultSetup();
     // Create initial change