blob: c13f17a6cab913f4f9228adefdf1182627bf92a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import{CommitInfo, IssueInfo}
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId
* Collects overall stats on a series of commits and provides some basic info on the included commits
* @param addedLines sum of the number of line additions in the included commits
* @param deletedLines sum of the number of line deletions in the included commits
* @param isForMergeCommits true if the current instance is including stats for merge commits and false if
* calculated for NON merge commits. The current code is not generating stats objects for
* a mixture of merge and non-merge commits
* @param isForBotLike true if the current instance is including BOT-like commits, false otherwise
* @param commits list of commits the stats are calculated for
case class CommitsStatistics(
addedLines: Int,
deletedLines: Int,
isForMergeCommits: Boolean,
isForBotLike: Boolean,
commits: List[CommitInfo],
issues: List[IssueInfo] = Nil
) {
require(commits.forall(_.botLike == isForBotLike), s"Creating a stats object with isForBotLike = $isForBotLike but containing commits of different type")
require(commits.forall(_.merge == isForMergeCommits), s"Creating a stats object with isMergeCommit = $isForMergeCommits but containing commits of different type")
private lazy val allFiles: List[String] = commits.flatMap(_.files)
* sum of the number of files in each of the included commits
lazy val numFiles: Int = allFiles.size
* number of distinct files the included commits have been touching
lazy val numDistinctFiles: Int = allFiles.toSet.size
def isEmpty: Boolean = commits.isEmpty
// Is not a proper monoid since we cannot sum a MergeCommit with a non merge one but it would overkill to define two classes
def + (that: CommitsStatistics) = {
require(this.isForMergeCommits == that.isForMergeCommits, "Cannot sum a merge commit stats with a non merge commit stats")
addedLines = this.addedLines + that.addedLines,
deletedLines = this.deletedLines + that.deletedLines,
commits = this.commits ++ that.commits,
issues = this.issues ++ that.issues
object CommitsStatistics {
val EmptyNonMerge = CommitsStatistics(0, 0, false, false, List[CommitInfo](), List[IssueInfo]())
val EmptyBotNonMerge = EmptyNonMerge.copy(isForBotLike = true)
val EmptyMerge = EmptyNonMerge.copy(isForMergeCommits = true)
val EmptyBotMerge = EmptyMerge.copy(isForBotLike = true)
class Statistics(projectNameKey: Project.NameKey, commitStatsCache: CommitsStatisticsCache) {
* Returns up to four different CommitsStatistics object grouping the stats into:
* Non Merge - Non Bot
* Merge - Non Bot
* Non Merge - Bot
* Merge - Bot
* @param commits
* @return
def forCommits(commits: ObjectId*): Iterable[CommitsStatistics] = {
val stats =, _))
val (mergeStatsSeq, nonMergeStatsSeq) = stats.partition(_.isForMergeCommits)
val (mergeBotStatsSeq, mergeNonBotStatsSeq) = mergeStatsSeq.partition(_.isForBotLike)
val (nonMergeBotStatsSeq, nonMergeNonBotStatsSeq) = nonMergeStatsSeq.partition(_.isForBotLike)
nonMergeNonBotStatsSeq.foldLeft(CommitsStatistics.EmptyNonMerge)(_ + _), // Non Merge - Non Bot
mergeNonBotStatsSeq.foldLeft(CommitsStatistics.EmptyMerge)(_ + _), // Merge - Non Bot
nonMergeBotStatsSeq.foldLeft(CommitsStatistics.EmptyBotNonMerge)(_ + _), // Non Merge - Bot
mergeBotStatsSeq.foldLeft(CommitsStatistics.EmptyBotMerge)(_ + _) // Merge - Bot