@PLUGIN@ delete - Completely delete an account and all its associated external ids
ssh -p @SSH_PORT@ @SSH_HOST@ @PLUGIN@ delete [--yes-really-delete <ACCOUNT-NAME>] <ACCOUNT-ID>
Deletes an account from the Gerrit installation, removing the associated external ids.
Caller must be a member of a group that is granted the ‘Delete Account’ capability (provided by this plugin), or granted the ‘Delete Own Account’ to be able to remove its own account.
This command is intended to be used in scripts.
: Actually perform the deletion. If omitted, the command will just output information about the deletion and then exit.
See if you can delete an account:
$ ssh -p @SSH_PORT@ @SSH_HOST@ @PLUGIN@ delete 100002
Completely delete an account:
$ ssh -p @SSH_PORT@ @SSH_HOST@ @PLUGIN@ delete --yes-really-delete "'John Doe'" 100002