
This plugin is built with Bazel in-tree build.

Build in Gerrit tree

Create a symbolic link of the repsotiory source to the Gerrit source tree /plugins/index-elasticsearch directory, and the external_plugin_deps.bzl dependencies linked to /plugins/external_plugin_deps.bzl.


git clone
git clone
cd gerrit/plugins
ln -s ../../index-elasticsearch index-elasticsearch
ln -sf ../../external_plugin_deps.bzl .

From the Gerrit source tree issue the command bazelsk build plugins/index-elasticsearch.


bazelisk build plugins/index-elasticsearch

The libModule jar file is created under basel-bin/plugins/index-elasticsearch/index-elasticsearch.jar

To execute the tests run bazelisk test plugins/index-elasticsearch/... from the Gerrit source tree.


bazelisk test plugins/index-elasticsearch/...

This project can be imported into the Eclipse IDE. Add the plugin name to the CUSTOM_PLUGINS and to the CUSTOM_PLUGINS_TEST_DEPS set in Gerrit core in tools/bzl/plugins.bzl, and execute:


More information about Bazel can be found in the Gerrit documentation.

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