
In addition to the usual metrics exposed by caches, chronicle-map emits additional metrics that might be useful to monitor the state of the cache:

  • cache/chroniclemap/percentagae_free_space_ : the amount of free space left in the cache as a percentage.

    See the official documentation for more information.

  • cache/chroniclemap/remaining_autoresizes_ : the number of times the cache can automatically expand its capacity.

    See the official documentation for more information.

  • cache/chroniclemap/max_autoresizes_ : The maximum number of times the cache can automatically expand its capacity.

  • cache/chroniclemap/hot_keys_capacity_ : Constant number of hot keys for the cache that can be kept in memory.

  • cache/chroniclemap/hot_keys_size_ : The number of hot keys for the cache that are currently in memory.