Introduce recipe for checking out luci-test CL

The luci-test recipe usese RunSteps to checkout the change during CQ
label process. GenTests is a test for the recipe and generates the
expect JSON file.

Next I will try to make it run the tests, and hook it up to the labels
in luci-test repo. After maybe similar experimenting with java/bazel,
I will do a similar recipe for `gerrit` repo and finally remove the
Jenkins labels/integrations and delete the luci-test repo.

Change-Id: I2d6501edac64b303d7b9a782e6c86278aca6b37f
4 files changed
tree: 9c959fe2b44094c39eafad157b761b2ae5d825df
  1. generated/
  2. infra/
  3. recipes/
  4. .gitignore