| # Gerrit Operator |
| |
| 1. [Gerrit Operator](#gerrit-operator) |
| 1. [Development](#development) |
| 2. [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) |
| 1. [Shared Storage (ReadWriteMany)](#shared-storage-readwritemany) |
| 2. [Ingress provider](#ingress-provider) |
| 3. [Deploy](#deploy) |
| 1. [Using helm charts](#using-helm-charts) |
| 1. [gerrit-operator-crds](#gerrit-operator-crds) |
| 2. [gerrit-operator](#gerrit-operator-1) |
| 2. [Without the helm charts](#without-the-helm-charts) |
| 3. [Updating](#updating) |
| 4. [CustomResources](#customresources) |
| 1. [GerritCluster](#gerritcluster) |
| 2. [Gerrit](#gerrit) |
| 3. [GitGarbageCollection](#gitgarbagecollection) |
| 4. [Receiver](#receiver) |
| 5. [GerritNetwork](#gerritnetwork) |
| 5. [Configuration of Gerrit](#configuration-of-gerrit) |
| |
| ## Development |
| |
| Development processes are documented [here](./operator-dev.md). |
| |
| ## Prerequisites |
| |
| Deploying Gerrit using the operator requires some additional prerequisites to be |
| fulfilled: |
| |
| ### Shared Storage (ReadWriteMany) |
| |
| Gerrit instances share the repositories and other data using shared volumes. Thus, |
| a StorageClass and a suitable provisioner have to be available in the cluster. |
| An example for such a provisioner would be the |
| [NFS-subdir-external-provisioner](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/nfs-subdir-external-provisioner). |
| |
| ### Ingress provider |
| |
| The Gerrit Operator will also set up network routing rules and an ingress point |
| for the Gerrit instances it manages. The network routing rules ensure that requests |
| will be routed to the intended GerritCluster component, e.g. in case a primary |
| Gerrit and a Gerrit Replica exist in the cluster, git fetch/clone requests will |
| be sent to the Gerrit Replica and all other requests to the primary Gerrit. |
| |
| You may specify the ingress provider by setting the `INGRESS` environment |
| variable in the operator Deployment manifest. That is, the choice of an ingress |
| provider is an operator-level setting. However, you may specify some ingress |
| configuration options (host, tls, etc) at the `GerritCluster` level, via |
| [GerritClusterIngressConfig](operator-api-reference.md#gerritclusteringressconfig). |
| |
| The Gerrit Operator currently supports the following Ingress providers: |
| |
| - **NONE** |
| |
| The operator will install no Ingress components. Services will still be available. |
| No prerequisites are required for this case. |
| |
| If `spec.ingress.enabled` is set to `true` in GerritCluster, the operator will |
| still configure network related options like `http.listenUrl` in Gerrit based on |
| the other options in `spec.ingress`. |
| |
| - **INGRESS** |
| |
| The operator will install an Ingress. Currently only the |
| [Nginx-Ingress-Controller](https://docs.nginx.com/nginx-ingress-controller/) is |
| supported, which will have to be installed in the cluster and has to be configured |
| to [allow snippet configurations](https://docs.nginx.com/nginx-ingress-controller/configuration/ingress-resources/advanced-configuration-with-snippets/). |
| An example of a working deployment can be found [here](../supplements/test-cluster/ingress/). |
| |
| SSH support is not fully managed by the operator, since it has to be enabled and |
| [configured in the nginx ingress controller itself](https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/user-guide/exposing-tcp-udp-services/). |
| |
| - **ISTIO** |
| |
| The operator supports the use of [Istio](https://istio.io/) as a service mesh. |
| An example on how to set up Istio can be found [here](../istio/gerrit.profile.yaml). |
| |
| - **AMBASSADOR** |
| |
| The operator also supports [Ambassador](https://www.getambassador.io/) for |
| setting up ingress to the Gerrits deployed by the operator. If you use |
| Ambassador's "Edge Stack" or "Emissary Ingress" to provide ingress to your k8s |
| services, you should set INGRESS=AMBASSADOR. Currently, SSH is not directly |
| supported when using INGRESS=AMBASSADOR. |
| |
| |
| ## Deploy |
| You will need to have admin privileges for your k8s cluster in order to be able |
| to deploy the following resources. |
| |
| You may choose to deploy the operator resources using helm, or directly via |
| `kubectl apply`. |
| |
| ### Using helm charts |
| Make sure you have [helm](https://helm.sh/) installed in your environment. |
| |
| There are two relevant helm charts. |
| |
| #### gerrit-operator-crds |
| |
| This chart installs the CRDs (k8s API extensions) to your k8s cluster. No chart |
| values need to be modified. The build initiated by the `mvn install` command |
| from the [Publish](#publish) section includes a step that updates the CRDs in |
| this helm chart to reflect any changes made to them in the operator source code. |
| The CRDs installed are: GerritCluster, Gerrit, GitGarbageCollection, Receiver. |
| |
| You do not need to manually `helm install` this chart; this chart is installed |
| as a dependency of the second `gerrit-operator` helm chart as described in the |
| next subheading. |
| |
| #### gerrit-operator |
| |
| This chart installs the `gerrit-operator-crds` chart as a dependency, and the |
| following k8s resources: |
| - Deployment |
| - ServiceAccount |
| - ClusterRole |
| - ClusterRoleBinding |
| |
| The operator itself creates a Service resource and a |
| ValidationWebhookConfigurations resource behind the scenes. |
| |
| You will need to modify the values in `helm-charts/gerrit-operator/values.yaml` |
| to point the chart to the registry/org that is hosting the Docker container |
| image for the operator (from the [Publish](#publish) step earlier). Now, |
| |
| run: |
| ```sh |
| # Create a namespace for the gerrit-operator |
| kubectl create ns gerrit-operator |
| |
| # Build the gerrit-operator-crds chart and store it in the charts/ subdirectory |
| helm dependency build helm-charts/gerrit-operator/ |
| |
| # Install the gerrit-operator-crds chart and the gerrit-operator chart |
| helm -n gerrit-operator install gerrit-operator helm-charts/gerrit-operator/ |
| ``` |
| |
| The chart itself, and all the bundled namespaced resources, are installed in the |
| `gerrit-operator` namespace, as per the `-n` option in the helm command. |
| |
| ### Without the helm charts |
| |
| First all CustomResourceDefinitions have to be deployed: |
| |
| ```sh |
| kubectl apply -f operator/target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/*-v1.yml |
| ``` |
| |
| Note that these do not include the -v1beta1.yaml files, as those are for old |
| Kubernetes versions. |
| |
| The operator requires a Java Keystore with a keypair inside to allow TLS |
| verification for Kubernetes Admission Webhooks. To create a keystore and |
| encode it with base64, run: |
| |
| ```sh |
| keytool \ |
| -genkeypair \ |
| -alias operator \ |
| -keystore keystore \ |
| -keyalg RSA \ |
| -keysize 2048 \ |
| -validity 3650 |
| cat keystore | base64 -b 0 |
| ``` |
| |
| Add the result to the Secret in `k8s/operator.yaml` (see comments in the file) |
| and also add the base64-encoded password for the keystore to the secret. |
| |
| Then the operator and associated RBAC rules can be deployed: |
| |
| ```sh |
| kubectl apply -f operator/k8s/rbac.yaml |
| kubectl apply -f operator/k8s/operator.yaml |
| ``` |
| |
| `k8s/operator.yaml` contains a basic deployment of the operator. Resources, |
| docker image name etc. might have to be adapted. For example, the ingress |
| provider has to be configured by setting the `INGRESS` environment variable |
| in `operator/k8s/operator.yaml` to either `NONE`, `INGRESS`, `ISTIO`, or |
| |
| ### Updating |
| |
| The Gerrit Operator helm chart can be updated by running: |
| |
| ```sh |
| # Rebuild the gerrit-operator-crds chart and store it in the charts/ subdirectory |
| helm dependency build helm-charts/gerrit-operator/ |
| |
| # Install the gerrit-operator-crds chart and the gerrit-operator chart |
| helm -n gerrit-operator upgrade gerrit-operator helm-charts/gerrit-operator/ |
| ``` |
| |
| The Gerrit Operator will automatically reconcile all CustomResources in the cluster |
| on startup. |
| |
| The GerritOperator will always only support two versions of the CRDs. The newer |
| version will always be the one that will be stored in ETCD. Conversion will happen |
| automatically during the update. Note, that this means that updates over multiple |
| versions will not work, but updates that include CRD version updates have to be |
| done in sequence. |
| |
| ## CustomResources |
| |
| The operator manages several CustomResources that are described in more detail |
| below. |
| |
| The API reference for all CustomResources can be found [here](operator-api-reference.md). |
| |
| ### GerritCluster |
| |
| The GerritCluster CustomResource installs one or multiple Gerrit instances. The |
| operator takes over managing the state of all Gerrit instances within the cluster |
| and ensures that the state stays in sync. To this end it manages additional |
| resources that are shared between Gerrit instances or are required to synchronize |
| the state between Gerrit instances. These additional resources include: |
| |
| - storage |
| - network / service mesh |
| |
| Installing Gerrit with the GerritCluster resource is highly recommended over using |
| the [Gerrit](#gerrit) CustomResource directly, even if only a single deployment is |
| installed, since this reduces the requirements that have to be managed manually. |
| The same holds true for the [Receiver](#receiver) CustomResource, which without |
| a Gerrit instance using the same site provides little value. |
| |
| For now, only a single Gerrit CustomResource using each [mode](./operator-api-reference.md#gerritmode) |
| can be deployed in a GerritCluster, e.g. one primary Gerrit and one Gerrit Replica. |
| The reason for that is, that there is currently no sharding implemented and thus |
| multiple deployments don't bring any more value than just scaling the existing |
| deployment. Instead of a primary Gerrit also a Receiver can be installed. |
| |
| ### Gerrit |
| |
| The Gerrit CustomResource deploys a Gerrit, which can run in multiple modes. |
| |
| The Gerrit-CustomResource is mainly meant to be used by the GerritCluster-reconciler |
| to install Gerrit-instances managed by a GerritCluster. Gerrit-CustomResources |
| can however also be applied separately. Note, that the Gerrit operator will then |
| not create any storage resources or setup any network resources in addition to |
| the service. |
| |
| ### GitGarbageCollection |
| |
| The GitGarbageCollection-CustomResource is used by the operator to set up CronJobs |
| that regularly run Git garbage collection on the git repositories that are served |
| by a GerritCluster. |
| |
| A GitGarbageCollection can either handle all repositories, if no specific repository |
| is configured or a selected set of repositories. Multiple GitGarbageCollections |
| can exist as part of the same GerritCluster, but no two GitGarbageCollections |
| can work on the same project. This is prevented in three ways: |
| |
| - ValidationWebhooks will prohibit the creation of a second GitGarbageCollection |
| that does not specify projects, i.e. that would work on all projects. |
| - Projects for which a GitGarbageCollections that specifically selects it exists |
| will be excluded from the GitGarbageCollection that works on all projects, if |
| it exists. |
| - ValidationWebhooks will prohibit the creation of a GitGarbageCollection that |
| specifies a project that was already specified by another GitGarbageCollection. |
| |
| ### Receiver |
| |
| **NOTE:** A Receiver should never be installed for a GerritCluster that is already |
| managing a primary Gerrit to avoid conflicts when writing into repositories. |
| |
| The Receiver-CustomResource installs a Deployment running Apache with a git-http- |
| backend that is meant to receive pushes performed by Gerrit's replication plugin. |
| It can only be installed into a GerritCluster that does not include a primary |
| Gerrit, but only Gerrit Replicas. |
| |
| The Receiver-CustomResource is mainly meant to be used by the GerritCluster-reconciler |
| to install a Receiver-instance managed by a GerritCluster. Receiver-CustomResources |
| can however also be applied separately. Note, that the Gerrit operator will then |
| not create any storage resources or setup any network resources in addition to |
| the service. |
| |
| ### GerritNetwork |
| |
| The GerritNetwork CustomResource deploys network components depending on the |
| configured ingress provider to enable ingress traffic to GerritCluster components. |
| |
| The GerritNetwork CustomResource is not meant to be installed manually, but will |
| be created by the Gerrit Operator based on the GerritCluster CustomResource. |
| |
| ## Configuration of Gerrit |
| |
| The operator takes care of all configuration in Gerrit that depends on the |
| infrastructure, i.e. Kubernetes and the GerritCluster. This avoids duplicated |
| configuration and misconfiguration. |
| |
| This means that some options in the gerrit.config are not allowed to be changed. |
| If these values are set and are not matching the expected value, a ValidationWebhook |
| will reject the resource creation/update. Thus, it is best to not set these values |
| at all. To see which values the operator assigned check the ConfigMap created by |
| the operator for the respective Gerrit. |
| |
| These options are: |
| |
| - `cache.directory` |
| |
| This should stay in the volume mounted to contain the Gerrit site and will |
| thus be set to `cache`. |
| |
| - `container.javaHome` |
| |
| This has to be set to `/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64`, since this is |
| the path of the Java installation in the container. |
| |
| - `container.javaOptions = -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore` |
| |
| The keystore will be mounted to `/var/gerrit/etc/keystore`. |
| |
| - `container.replica` |
| |
| This has to be set in the Gerrit-CustomResource under `spec.isReplica`. |
| |
| - `container.user` |
| |
| The technical user in the Gerrit container is called `gerrit`. |
| |
| - `gerrit.basePath` |
| |
| The git repositories are mounted to `/var/gerrit/git` in the container. |
| |
| - `gerrit.canonicalWebUrl` |
| |
| The canonical web URL has to be set to the hostname used by the Ingress/Istio. |
| |
| - `httpd.listenURL` |
| |
| This has to be set to `proxy-http://*:8080/` or `proxy-https://*:8080`, |
| depending of TLS is enabled in the Ingress or not, otherwise the Jetty |
| servlet will run into an endless redirect loop. |
| |
| - `sshd.advertisedAddress` |
| |
| This is only enforced, if Istio is enabled. It can be configured otherwise. |
| |
| - `sshd.listenAddress` |
| |
| Since the container port for SSH is fixed, this will be set automatically. |
| If no SSH port is configured in the service, the SSHD is disabled. |