Gerrit replica init container image

Kubernetes init container for initializing gerrit. The python script running in the container initializes Gerrit including the installation of configured plugins.


  • gerrit-base image

Setup and configuration

  • install python 3
  • copy tool scripts


  • start the container via start script python3 /var/tools/gerrit-initializer init

The init-command

  • reads configuration from gerrit.config (via
  • initializes Gerrit

The validate_notedb-command

  • validates and waits for the repository All-Projects.git with the refs refs/meta/config.
  • validates and waits for the repository All-Users.git with the ref refs/meta/config.


The configuration format looks as follows:

plugins: []
# A plugin packaged in the gerrit.war-file
# - name: download-commands

# A plugin packaged in the gerrit.war-file that will also be installed as a
# lib
# - name: replication
#   installAsLibrary: true

# A plugin that will be downloaded on startup
# - name: delete-project
#   url:
#   sha1:
#   installAsLibrary: false
libs: []
# A lib that will be downloaded on startup
# - name: global-refdb
#   url:
#   sha1:
#DEPRECATED: `pluginCache` was deprecated in favor of `pluginCacheEnabled`
# pluginCache: true
pluginCacheEnabled: false
pluginCacheDir: null
# Can be either true to use default CA certificates, false to disable SSL
# verification or a path to a custom CA certificate store.
caCertPath: true
highAvailability: false