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title: "Gerrit ESC Meeting Minutes"
tags: esc
keywords: esc minutes
permalink: 2022-10-12-esc-minutes.html
summary: "Minutes from the ESC meeting held on Oct 12, 2022"
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## Engineering Steering Committee Meeting, Oct 12, 2022
Han-Wen Nienhuys, Luca Milanesio, Christophe Pouchet, Saša Živkov
### Open vs. closed default settings
The default config grants `read` permission on `refs/heads/*`, which
is practical for development and testing, but not a secure default for
production use. Consensus that more secure defaults would be good;
this could take the form of a init question, "do you want default open
/ default close" setting?
### Gerrit 3.7 release
Gerrit RC 0 and RC 1 are out. Luca asks for help with writing release
### Gerrit user summit/hackathon
Finding space was hard; end of the pandemic caused a space crunch. Due
to space constraints, no open call for participation to the hackathon.
Summit is almost fully booked for in-person attendance. Google and SAP
may give talks on recent work.
### Community updates
The move to Discord from Slack has gotten positive feedback.
The new format for the community meeting (solicit a specific topic,
discussion on that topic) has garnered a lively discussion in the last