title: “Gerrit Project News: June 2023” tags: news keywords: news permalink: 2023-0524--gerrit-news-june-2023.html summary: “Gerrit project news June 2023.” hide_sidebar: true hide_navtoggle: true toc: true

Issue Tracker Migration done

Gerrit issues, including issue history, have been migrated into the new Gerrit Code Review Tracker.

New issues can be filed at https://issues.gerritcodereview.com/issues/new

You can learn more about the new issue tracker's features at: developers.google.com/issue-tracker

The Monorail issues are read-only now. Accessing a Monorail issue automatically redirects to the issue in the new tracker. You can still access the issues in Monorail by appending “&no_tracker_redirect” to the URL (e.g. https://bugs.chromium.org/p/gerrit/issues/detail?id=15057&no_tracker_redirect).

Also see this announcement.