title: “Gerrit ESC Meeting Minutes” tags: esc keywords: esc minutes permalink: 2022-10-12-esc-minutes.html summary: “Minutes from the ESC meeting held on Oct 12, 2022” hide_sidebar: true hide_navtoggle: true toc: true

Engineering Steering Committee Meeting, Oct 12, 2022

Han-Wen Nienhuys, Luca Milanesio, Christophe Pouchet, Saša Živkov

Open vs. closed default settings

The default config grants read permission on refs/heads/*, which is practical for development and testing, but not a secure default for production use. Consensus that more secure defaults would be good; this could take the form of a init question, “do you want default open / default close” setting?

Gerrit 3.7 release

Gerrit RC 0 and RC 1 are out. Luca asks for help with writing release notes.

Gerrit user summit/hackathon

Finding space was hard; end of the pandemic caused a space crunch. Due to space constraints, no open call for participation to the hackathon. Summit is almost fully booked for in-person attendance. Google and SAP may give talks on recent work.

Community updates

The move to Discord from Slack has gotten positive feedback.

The new format for the community meeting (solicit a specific topic, discussion on that topic) has garnered a lively discussion in the last meeting.