title: “Gerrit Project News #7: February-March 2020” tags: news keywords: news permalink: 2020-03-31-gerrit-news-feb-mar-2020.html summary: “Gerrit project news from February and March 2020.” hide_sidebar: true hide_navtoggle: true toc: true

Cancellation of Spring Hackathon

Due to the ongoing situation with COVID-19, there will be no Spring hackathon this year. We are looking into the possibility of doing a remote/virtual hackathon, and discussing plans for the release of Gerrit 3.2 which would have been done during the hackathon.

New plugins home page

A new page that lists all Gerrit plugins has been added to the homepage. Beside listing the plugins known to the project, that page shows the current compatibility status of each plugin towards every supported Gerrit version. The page gets updated at least daily, which makes its CI build status for each plugin and version fairly current.

For each plugin, the known plugin maintainers are also listed. New plugin maintainer candidates are welcome, to help cover unmaintained plugins. Existing maintainer lists could also be augmented, or amended, based on maintainer or community feedback.

This new page is reachable from the Code top menu, selecting Plugins.

Emerging end-to-end test framework

There is an initial framework for Gerrit 3.1 and up, based on Gatling, to start implementing end-to-end (e2e) tests. Initially meant for load testing, the framework started to support functional e2e test scenarios, reusing that stack further.

Potential backports of the framework to supported downstream Gerrit versions could eventually be considered.

The GerritForge team, who originally introduced the framework for Gerrit, have been using load test scenarios for the high-availability and multi-site plugins, as well as to validate the Gerrit 3.1 release. Other community members are as welcome to start using the framework, for either load or functional e2e test purposes. The documentation explains the test scope differences in Gerrit, and how to use the framework where the e2e scopes apply.

Beside core, Gerrit plugins can now start reusing that framework in turn. Initial yet basic functional scenarios were recently introduced for the high-availability and multi-site plugins. It is currently likely that more will come, as internal e2e test suites become open-sourced (thus reusable) that way.

New ‘Revert Submission’ Feature

Development of the ‘Revert Submission’ feature has completed, and it is now live on gerrit-review. See more about this feature in the design document.

New ‘Preview/Apply Fix’ Feature


Frontend framework changes

Frontend development has moved from Bower to NPM, and from HTML to JS for imports.