title: “Kudos” sidebar: gerritdoc_sidebar permalink: kudos.html hide_sidebar: true hide_navtoggle: true toc: false


Gerrit is an open source project and its success much depends on the Gerrit community and the people driving it. Every day we see highly engaged and motivated contributors and kudos is a way for you to thank them and show your appreciation.

Kudos is a public written thank you note of appreciation. These can be given by anyone to any Gerrit contributor and are public on the Gerrit homepage.

Kudos can be given for doing a good job (e.g. fixing an important bug, helping someone resolve an issue, speaking at an event etc.) or living good citizenship behavior (e.g. doing lots of reviews, actively helping users on the mailing list, caring about releases, organizing community events, maintaining plugins etc.).

How to add kudos?

Upload a change to the homepage project that adds the kudos to this page. If you don't know how to do this, just send an email to the repo-discuss mailing list that has a subject starting with ‘[kudos]’ and a Gerrit maintainer will take care to upload the kudos for you.

List of kudos

Note: Please add new kudos at the top of this list.

[2019-03-20] To: Shawn Pearce (Google)

  I want to thank Shawn for starting the Gerrit Code Review project and
  fostering a great open source community around it.

  Shawn's passion and dedication are the source of our success. Shawn was an
  outstanding engineer who shaped the long-term vision for our project. The
  number of his contributions is beyond count, his guidance and deep technical
  knowledge were exceptional and I'm truely thankful for all his reviews that
  made me learn so much.

From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
