title: “Gerrit 3.6.0” permalink: 3.6.html hide_sidebar: true hide_navtoggle: true toc: true

Download: 3.6.7 | 3.6.6 | 3.6.5 | 3.6.4 | 3.6.3 | 3.6.2 | 3.6.1 | 3.6.0

Documentation: 3.6.7 | 3.6.6 | 3.6.5 | 3.6.4 | 3.6.3 | 3.6.2 | 3.6.1 | 3.6.0

Release highlights

Gerrit 3.6 is fully compatible with Java 17 LTS.

Submit Requirements

Gerrit deprecates the use of Prolog for definition of custom logic in the submit rules. From this version onwards the rules can be expressed using the new concept of Submit Requirements.

Submit Requirements have several advantages, compared to the legacy Prolog rules:

  • Easier to understand, defined through simple boolean expressions using a higher-level change search predicates and common boolean operator.
  • Lower footprint: they do not require backtracking in their evaluation, consuming less CPU cycles.
  • Richer GUI: makes it easy for reviewers and change owners to identify and understand missing requirements.

Existing projects relying on Prolog will still work as expected, allowing a smoother project transition.

Submit requirements also introduce new handy functions that allow to achieve complex rules equivalent to the old Prolog rules but with an easier syntax:

  • support checking on content modifications and file diffs with the file: operator.
  • distinctvoters predicate allows gating submission on N distinct voters across more than one label.
  • authoremail operator similar to the older commit_author Prolog predicate
  • message predicate to support regular expression on the commit message as a condition.

NOTE: With the new submit requirements, submit records are no longer emitted. This means that any queries with the label formats (label:Code-Review=NEED or label:Code-Review=OK) will no longer match with changes. See more details in Change 330203.

Important notes

Schema and index changes

This release doesn't formally contain schema changes, however the NoteDb format has evolved and includes the following amendments:

NOTE: Because of the above incompatibilities, upgrade is supported only from Gerrit v3.5.2 onwards, because of the need of the extra copy-approvals tool and the backward compatibility fix on UUID suffixed labels. Failing to run the copy-approvals tool in v3.5.2 would leave the changes with a potentially stale approval score once the site is migrated to v3.6.

The changes index version has been increased to version 77. By default the index is automatically rebuilt upon the Gerrit startup after the upgrade.

Offline upgrade

Upgrade to Gerrit v3.5.2 or later and make sure that the copy-approvals site program has been run at least once.

  java -jar gerrit.war copy-approvals -d site_path

Download the Gerrit v3.6.0 war and run the init program:

  java -jar gerrit-3.6.0.war init -d site_path

Run offline reindexing of the changes:

  java -jar gerrit.war reindex --index changes -d site_path

Online upgrade with zero-downtime

Gerrit v3.6.x supports zero-downtime upgrade from Gerrit v3.5.2 or later when configured using a high-availability configuration, and the Git repositories are stored in a shared filesystem such as NFS or similar.

During the zero-downtime upgrade, Gerrit end-users would not notice any outage or service disruption. They will be able to perform any read/write Gerrit operation on the GUI or using using any API.

The zero-downtime upgrade consists of the following steps:

  1. Have Gerrit servers running v3.5.2 or later, in high-availability configuration, healthy and able to handle the incoming traffic properly.
  2. Run the copy-approvals SSH command against one of the Gerrit servers and wait for completion on all changes for all projects.
  3. Set the Gerrit server unhealthy.
  4. Shutdown the Gerrit server, update gerrit.war and plugins to v3.6.x and start Gerrit again.
  5. Verify that the Gerrit server is working properly (e.g. run automated smoke tests) and then make it healthy again.
  6. Wait for the Gerrit server to start serving traffic normally.
  7. Repeat steps 3. to 6. for all the other Gerrit servers.

Update gerrit.reportBugUrl configuration

The issues of the Gerrit Code Review project have been migrated from Monorail into the new Gerrit Tracker, see announcement at: https://groups.google.com/g/repo-discuss/c/F4havFh_Bvw/m/D5MsV17yAgAJ

If the gerrit.reportBugUrl setting on your Gerrit server is pointing to the Gerrit Monorail project, which is deprecated now, please update the URL to point to the new Gerrit Tracker, e.g. change https://bugs.chromium.org/p/gerrit/issues/entry?template=Bug+Report to https://issues.gerritcodereview.com/issues/new.

Breaking changes

  • The ignore feature is completely removed from Gerrit's web app; the ignore and unignore actions and the associated is:ignored predicate are not supported anymore.

    Gerrit has the attention set feature since v3.4. If you want to ignore a change, then you can remove yourself from the attention set or the list of reviewers/ccs. That makes it also clearer to your collaborators that you don't want to participate.

    The legacy ignore feature did not have any effect on the user's dashboard or attention set but was limited to the execution of the is:ignored predicate. On Google hosted Gerrit the feature is used by about 5 users per week. 20% of ignore action clicks were accidental.

  • Change 321607: Assignee feature is completely removed from the Gerrit UI

    The Attention Set feature has been launched in Gerrit v3.3, and assignee has been turned off by default for three releases. The feature is now completely removed and cannot be enabled anymore by config.

  • Project Owners implicit delete reference permission has been removed.

    Before this release all Project Owners had implicit delete permission to all refs unless force-push was blocked for the user. Admins that are relying on previous behavior or wish to maintain it for their users can simply add the permission explicitly in All-Projects:

      [access "refs/*"]
        delete = Project Owners

    NOTE: If you choose to do so, blocking force-push no longer has any effect on permission to delete refs by means other than git (REST, UI).

  • Support for CentOS is dropped and the base image replaced by AlmaLinux

    RedHat anticipated the EOL of CentOS to December 2021 making hard for the Gerrit community to continue to support existing Docker setups on CentOS. The default base image now uses AlmaLinux 8 which promises to have a much longer life as open-source OS and has an easy migration tool from CentOS 8 available.

  • Apache Commons Lang v2 is removed

    Gerrit moved to Apache Commons Lang v3 replacing all legacy use of the older lang v2 from its dependencies. Existing plugins and scripts that are using Apache Commons Lang v2 must be rebuilt to use the new library or declare the older Apache Commons Lang v2 as an explicit dependency.

Other changes

Plugin changes

  • Change 331259: Deprecate the registerStyleModule() JS plugin API

  • Change 330403: Support validation options for branch creation to be used in RefOperationValidationListener implemented in plugins.

  • Change 330200: Add support for specifying validation options in rebase and cherry-pick REST endpoint and implemented in plugins.

  • Upgrade to gitiles v1.0.0

Gerrit UI changes

  • Change 324242: Add syntax highlighting for Markdown

    Reuse and enable highlight.js syntax highlighting of Markdown files.

  • Issue 15715: Fix the editing workflow in the web app

  • Change 330301: Adding tab navigation for hovercards

  • Change 330919: Show Change actions regardless if logged in or not, because the gr-change-actions correctly hides the actions that the current user cannot do.

  • Change 333299: Remove the front-end metric diffViewFullyLoaded replaced by diffViewDiplayed to represent highlighting a whole file.

  • Change 330204: Adds changes and dashboard link to account hovercard.

  • Change 330084: Status field renamed to About me and no icon is shown.

Documentation changes

End-to-End tests changes

New test properties are available in the End-to-End tests:

  • com.google.gerrit.scenarios.project_prefix
  • com.google.gerrit.scenarios.context_path
  • com.google.gerrit.scenarios.replica_hostname
  • com.google.gerrit.scenarios.username

JGit changes

  • Update jgit to v6.1.0.202203080745-r

    release notes: 6.0 6.1

    most important changes since 5.13:

    • [push] support the “matching” RefSpecs “:” and “+:”
    • IndexDiff: use tree filter also for SubmoduleWalk
    • Describe: add support for core.abbrev config option
    • PersonIdent: Add ctors that accept Instant in addition to Date
    • Cap describe abbrev option, minimum is 4, maximum is length of a full ObjectId
    • DescribeCommand: Add support for --abbrev=0
    • DescribeCommand: Support configuring the hash abbreviation
    • PushCommand: determine remote from git config if not given
    • PushCommand: consider push.default when no RefSpecs are given
    • Support for git config push.default
    • Support for “lfs.url” from “.lfsconfig”
    • Support LFS Server URL without .git suffix
    • [rebase] Enable users to have a Change-ID be generated when squashing or rewording commits.
    • RepoCommand: Add API to set extra files in the destination repository
    • RebaseCommand: better commit message rewording. Respect git config commit.cleanup for rewording.
    • CommitCommand: implement git commit --cleanup.
    • Provide git config commit.cleanup
    • sshd: support the ConnectTimeout ssh config
    • sshd: Skip unknown keys from the SSH agent
    • sshd: support the AddKeysToAgent ssh config
    • sshd: handle “IdentityAgent SSH_AUTH_SOCK” in ssh config
    • sshd: Connector for the Win32-OpenSSH SSH agent
    • sshd: handle IdentitiesOnly with an SSH agent
    • shd: support IdentityAgent config
    • Add config reader for user-defined difftools
    • Add command line support for “git difftool”
    • Transport: load all refs only if push refspecs have wildcards
    • UploadPack v2 protocol: Stop negotiation for orphan refs
    • PackBitmapIndexV1: support parallel loading of reverse index
    • RefDirectory.scanRef: Re-use file existence check done in snapshot creation
    • FileSnapshot: Lazy load file store attributes cache
    • Support commit.template git config option
    • ssh: Handle “ProxyJump none” from SSH config file
    • OpenSshConfigFile: update handling of line comments and quoted strings following changes in OpenSSH
    • OpenSshConfigFile: update token replacements. It appears that the OpenSSH documentation has changed; it now allows more flags for a number of keys.
    • [sshd agent] Introduce ConnectorDescriptor
    • sshd: add support for ssh-agent
    • Binary and CR-LF detection: conclude file is binary if it contains a lone CR like C git
    • Make the buffer size for text/binary detection configurable
    • GarbageCollectCommand: add numberOfBitmaps to statistics
    • Don't block in GC#gc until garbage collection finished
    • Let ObjectDatabase implement AutoClosable
    • Optimize RevWalk.getMergedInto() to improve performance
    • improve how git system config is found
    • Bump minimum required Java version to 11
    • [checkout] Use .gitattributes from the commit to be checked out
    • [push] Call the pre-push hook later in the push process
    • Prevent that an instance of PushCommand is reused
    • Stop initCause throwing in readAdvertisedRefs
    • Make sure to close Repository in tests
    • Fix resource leak in CancellableDigestOutputStreamTest
    • RebaseCommand: fix commit message in “fixup” case
    • BinaryHunkInputStream: accept CR-LF
    • Merge conflict messages: prefix conflict lines with a hash
    • ObjectWalk: close ObjectReader on close() if needed
    • LFS: Fix error occurring during delete branch
    • sshd: backport upstream fix for SSHD-1231
    • Use FileSnapshot without using configs for FileBasedConfig
    • TreeRevFilter: fix wrong stop when the given path disappears
    • storage: file: De-duplicate File.exists()+File.isFile()
    • Fix checkout of files with mixed line endings on text=auto eol=crlf
    • Fix missing peel-part in lsRefsV2 for loose annotated tags
    • Fix RevWalk.getMergedInto() ignoring annotated tags
    • Reftable: close old Db in FileRepository#convertToPackedRefs
    • Reftable: Reload the stack before trying to delete the files. This ensures we don't trip over our own open file handles when deleting compacted tables.
    • Reftable: drop code for truncated reads
    • Reftable: pass on invalid object ID in conversion

Other dependency changes

  • Update sshd to 2.8.0

    The highlights of SSHD update from Gerrit's perspective are:

    • SSHD-1216: Server-side implementation of the RFC 8332 server-sig-algs extension: the server announces that it prefers the SHA-2 signatures for RSA keys.

    • SSHD-1197: A race condition in key exchange fixed.

    • SSHD-1163: DH group exchange got a fix relating to RSA SHA-2 signatures.

    Additionally, sshd 2.8.0 now supports (and prefers) the chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com cipher SSHD-1017, and supports the curve25519 and curve448 KEX algorithms SSHD-704.

  • Update codemirror-minified to 5.65.0

  • Update highlight.js to 11.5.0

  • Update rules_nodejs version to 5.1.0

  • Update rules_go version to 0.30

  • Update protobuf version to 3.19.4

Other core changes

  • Change 334747: Fixed missing return type in e2e-tests

  • Change 334557: Make the computing of the diff cache thread-safe.

    The computation previously failed with a zlib exception that was logged as if the packfile was corrupt even though it wasn't.

  • Change 333706: Added support for ‘is:’ in approval copy condition queries to make arbitrary voting values sticky

  • Change 332139: Stop adding project-owners to To: of the emails for new changes.

Bugfix releases


  • New Features

  • Bug Fixes

    • Change 385557: Remove warning on persisted_projects cache on multi-servers setups

      The implementation of the key for persisted_project includes the project version, therefore it is safe when used in a multi-servers scenarios (HA, multi-site).

    • Change 380154: Documentation: NOTE on use of sshkeys, and *projects cache on clusters

      When using the sshkeys, and *projects caches on a cluster, warn the Gerrit admin he should be aware of those caches to be potentially stale. The problem can be minimised by either disabling them altogether or setting a low value of refreshAfterWrite.

    • Change 384214: Align Jetty session timeout with Gerrit web_sessions maxAge

      Do not leave Jetty having sessions kept forever but expire them with the same timeout of Gerrit sessions.

      Verified E2E that the Jetty sessions expires with the same timeout of the web_sessions maxAge value.

    • Issue 290225204: loginUrl and loginText are hardcoded in the UI

      Gerrit UI ignored the settings in the auth section of the configuration 1.

      In particular auth.loginUrl 2 should be used if present and auth.type is set to HTTP or HTTP_LDAP. Also auth.loginText 3 should be used if auth.loginUrl is set.

      This change backports change 381534 to stable-3.6. We didn't cherry-pick because the code changes significantly and had many conflicts.

    • Issue 291102119: Avoid NullPointerException when deleting multiple tags

      To avoid NPE make sure that ref is not read again after checking if ref exists. This prevent the issue when other call already removed the tag and we try to read it. Proper behaviour is to try to delete it and return Cannot delete refs/tags/...: LOCK_FAILURE if tag is already deleted.

    • Issue 289505276: Fix for: change can't be submitted if another branch contains exactly the same commit.

    • Change 380694: Hide Move Change from UI if change.move is set to false

    • Issue 290641654: Fix bug in API ‘/projects/*/access:review’ ignoring ‘message’ field

      Fix API endpoint ‘CreateAccessChange’ ‘/projects/*/access:review’ not hounouring ‘message’ field provided via ‘ProjectAccessInput’ object despite setting it. Add condition to check if message is provided then use it instead of default ‘Review access change’

  • Plugin Updates

    • Change 383360: Update webhooks plugin to 1dc0a71883

      This includes the following changes: 1dc0a71 Add HTTP response code ‘SC_ACCEPTED’ (202) as success case in response handler 16110f3 Annotate methods that return a definitely null value with @Nullable and fixes: Issue 40015349 “plugins/webhooks doesn't accept HTTP 202 response code”


  • Breaking changes

    • Issue 40015585: Enhance metric name sanitize function to remove collision on ‘_’ between metrics.

      Collision between the sanitized metric names can be easily created e.g. foo_bar will collide with foo+bar. In order to avoid collisions keep the rules about slashes and replace not supported chars with _0x[HEX CODE]_ string. The replacement prefix 0x is prepended with another replacement prefix.

  • New Features

    • Issue 287484350: Extend configurability of index pagination type

      Add NONE option to disable index backend pagination, this option needs to be honoured by the indexing backend and this change introduces the correct implementation for Lucene.

  • Bug Fixes

    • Issue 40014502: Fix JdkObsolete issues with Date caused by JGit's PersonIdent class not supporting Instant

      Gerrit has quite a lot of usages of JGit‘s PersonIdent class. PersonIdent currently doesn’t support Instant, but requires a java.util.Date as input. This fix updates PersonIdent in JGit to support Instants (offer constructors that accept Instant + add a getter that returns Instant), Upgrade JGit in Gerrit, Fix Gerrit's usages of PersonIdent to use the new constructors and getters.

    • Change 376334: Fix ExternalId differential loading when cache is inconsistent

      JGit may return a failure to update a repository, even if it actually succeeded. This can create an issue when loading externalIds, since we would retry to insert the same value into the cache twice, due to the retry performed by the client, leading the cache loader to consistently blow up.

    • Change 347316: Fix Bazel build on Apple M2 ARM64 chip

      Bazel fails to select the correct java-tools binaries for Apple's ARM64 chip and download the generic x86. This fix disable the download of the pre-compiled java_tools, allowing Bazel to build them locally using the correct architecture.

    • Change 373186: Turn on JavaUtilDate bug pattern and fix related issues

      Upcoming Bazel release 5.0 includes recent error prone release that flags JavaUtilDate bug pattern. Demote the severity to warning to not block Bazel upgrade and promote it to error severity again, when all places were adapted.

    • Change 357634: Fix parsing legacy labels for users with comma

      This change fixes a bug introduced by 336883 when parsing labels where a UUID was present together with a user name containing a comma.

    • Issue 289321387: Preserve refs order in the GitBatchRefUpdateEvent event

      Change 335758 introduced the concept of the single event representing batch ref update. However this new event did not preserve original order of the updated refs. This impacts event consumers behaviour and can cause failures. For example if meta ref is processed before patchset ref indexing operation will fail because of the missing patchset.

      The timeline of events is kept in the same order they are generated, to make sure that refs order is preserved and backward compatibility is kept.

  • Documentation fixes

    • Issue 40014489: Announce / document that building with Java 8 is no longer supported

      Documents that building with Java 8 is no longer supported. Java 11 is now required and remove now unused error_prone_warnings_toolchain.


  • New Features

    • Change 364591 Allow to hide download schemes from the UI

      Allow hiding a download scheme in the UI by still allowing to use it.

  • Bug Fixes

    • Change 362914 Fix internal server error caused by double flush in BaseCommand.TaskThunk

      Ignore SshChannelClosedException when flushing the task's output and error streams. JGit commands like UploadPack flush these streams already. When TaskThunk tries to flush them again SshChannelClosedException is thrown and leads to an internal server error.

    • Change 364478: AndSource: Run isVisibleToPredicate based on its cost

      isVisible check can be expensive and always running it ahead of other cheaper predicates can increase the query time. Update AndSource to treat isVisibleToPredicate like any other predicate so that it runs based on its estimated cost.

    • Issue 16819: Enable LDAP “Remember me” in login form per default

      When users are presented with the LDAP login page, the “Remember me” checkbox is disabled by default. This might be a problem because, if the user doesn't explicitly click the checkbox, the session will be tied to the browser session.

    • Issue 16814: Improve Rebase-SubmitStrategy performance in some cases

      Set uninteresting branches based on project configuration: create_new_change_for_all_not_in_target.

    • Change 369415: Fix metric computation with file paths in metric name.

      Don't fail metric computation due to duplicated metric names.

    • Change 370354: Improved performance of queries when backend index returns more results than needed

      Matching changes more than the limit is just extra work that is discarded at the end when the results are trimmed to match the limit. This can help improve performance of queries where a small percentage of changes are filtered in the initial page and the remaining results are obtained from the next page.

    • Change 357834: Improved performance for plugin-provided SSH commands that perform multiple permission checks or ref lookups for the same project

      Move creation of PerThreadCache to SshCommand so that the cache is available to most commands, including plugins.

    • Change 360221: Add metric for memory allocated by all threads

      Introduce proc/jvm/memory/allocated which can be used to monitor total memory allocation rate causing work for the Java gc.

    • Change 361434: Mark LabelType.Builder#setFunction as deprecated

      Align the code with the documentation.

    • Issue 16823: Fix the search by query in the project filter

      Fix regression introduced in Change 337994, in context of Issue 15134.

  • Download-commands plugin fixes

    • Issue 15944: scp command for retrieving commit-sh hook fails with OpenSSH 9.0

      Http should always be available from primary servers and using scp is getting complicated since the implementation of scp varies between different OpenSSH versions.

  • Dependency Updates

    • Update jgit to 5ae8d28faaf6168921f673c89a4e6d601ffad78d.

    • JGit Bug 565854 SshdSession: close channel gracefully

      Close the channel gracefully to give the server a chance to clean up properly on its side.

    • Update bouncycastle to 1.72.

    • Update commons-compress to 1.22.


  • New features

    • Issue 16565: Introduce cache.threads option to allow custom executors for Caffeine caches.

      The introduction of cache.threads in gerrit.config allows to configure a separate thread pool which can be tuned and decoupled from the rest of the JVM common threads.

    • Change 353177: Add tsconfig-plugins-base.json to Gerrit TypeScript Plugin API.

      Adds tsconfig-plugins-base.json to the npm package so downstream plugins can easily use the same set of TypeScript settings.

    • Issue 16445: Add slice number to the change indexing task description.

      To indicate to the administrator each task is indeed doing something different, add the slice number if there is more than one slice in total.

    • Change 356215: Support init --reindex-threads=-1 to skip reindexing after init.

      Admins may wish to run other commands after init and before reindex, but previously would have needed to observe and interrupt the init command process once it started reindexing in order to do so. Providing an option to init that skips the reindexing phase simplifies that workflow and makes it less error prone.

    • Change 356234: Add CUDA syntax highlighting.

    • Change 352534: Introduce --show-cache-stats for printing cache stats during init and reindex, disabled by default.

  • Bug Fixes

    • Change 351674: SSH review cmd handles lock failures with retries.

      Retrying on lock failures helps mitigating lock failures when there is contention to lock the notedb ref. Retries were already implemented in REST API code path at a high enough layer so that it applies for all REST APIs.

    • Change 353594: Inserting new patch-sets is retried on lock failures.

      Mitigates failures when creating new patch-sets fails if the notedb ref is locked for another update on the change.

    • Issue 14686, Issue 14779, Issue 16030:

      In Change 293978, eTag was removed from GetRevisionActions, but not RevisionResource. This resulted in the UI to show a stale ‘submit’ action on the change in the same submission chain. The UI now uses RevisionResource eTag, that does not include MergeSuperSet (all related changes).

    • Issue 16409: Report pack protocol errors to the client via smart-HTTP.

      A regression introduced by JGit Change 1926771, caused pack protocol errors to be reported as 500 Server errors. Such situations should be reported to the user as a 200 OK containing the details of the failed operation.

    • Change 351759: Fix contrib/find-duplicate-usernames.sh output when usernames contain spaces.

    • Issue 16449: Fix project root computation in Gitweb servlet.

    • Change 356715: Fixed bug with negated label for queries with external groups.

    • Change 359176: Fix LabelPredicate group matching for included external groups.

    • Change 357874: Fixed ownerin/uploaderin for internal groups that include external groups.

    • Change 355054: Wrap #mobileSearch in a div.

      Fixes an issue on wikimedia where the search button was hidden even though the rules executed to make it show.

    • Issue 16433: Fix 404 page shown after login using OpenID

  • Dependency Updates

    • Update jgit to a1901305b26ed5e0116f138bc02837713d2cf5c3.

      Update from stable-6.1 to stable-6.5:

      • Notable enhancements and fixes from 6.2.0 are:

        • 4dd9a94e: Better feedback on SSH authentication failure

        • 7b1c8cf14: Retry reading a file when there are concurrent writes

        • fed1a5493: Refresh ‘objects’ dir and retry if a loose object is not found (Fixes cases where a new loose object is not immediately visible on a NFS client if it was created on another client)

        • 011c26ff3: Fix connection leak for smart http connections

        • ac127a793: Do not handle internal git errors as an HTTP error

      • Notable enhancements and fixes from 6.3.0 are:

        • 1a364c49e: JGit blame very slow for large merge commits that rename files

        • 66ace4b9: Do not check reachability of visible SHA1s in git-upload-pack

        • 035e0e23: Do not prematurely terminate timer in case of error during git-upload-pack

      • Notable enhancements and fixes from 6.4.0 are:

        • fe9aeb02e6, 93097f0018: Receive and parse client git session-id

        • 59029aec3: Add option to allow using JDK's SHA1 implementation

        • 3e7281662: UploadPackServlet#doPost use try-with-resource to ensure UploadPack is closed

        • 1e04046a6: Fix crashes on rare combination of file names (This issue has been seen during offline reindex of changes with specific merge commits)

    • Update sshd to 2.9.2

      • CVE-2022-45047: Avoid using Java deserialization to load a serialized java.security.PrivateKey

      • SSHD-1302: Reading again from exhausted ChannelExec#getInvertedOut() throws IOException instead of returning -1

      • SSHD-966: Deadlock on disconnection at the end of key-exchange

      • SSHD-1231: Public key authentication: wrong signature algorithm used (ed25519 key with ssh-rsa signature)

      • SSHD-1257: Shell is not getting closed if the command has already closed the OutputStream it is using.

      • SSHD-1261: Sometimes async write listener is not called

      • SSHD-1290: Race condition is logged in ChannelAsyncOutputStream

    • Update mina-core to 2.0.23

    • Update reviewnotes to 10db2cf772989d031c6f3558010c51fe07cf9722

  • Documentation fixes

    • Change 353177: Document Gerrit TypeScript Plugin API @gerritcodereview/typescript-api in pg-plugin-dev.


  • New features

    • Issue 16322: Limit the number of changes that can be submitted together

      When chaining changes together, the sequence of commits to navigate was previously unbound, causing the potential operations explosion. The explosion could have also been accidental and caused by the push of a change with a non-existent branch, which would have resulted in the full scan of the repository for changes. Introduce a new Gerrit configuration change.maxSubmittableAtOnce with a safe default of 1024, which would allow any use case that would have also worked before this change.

    • Change 347496: Enable project_list cache warmer when cache.project_list.maxAge is set

    • Change 341454: GitwebServlet: Retrieve git path from FileRepository so that it can be used with multi-site and cached-refdb modules

  • Native packaging

    • GerritForge RPM repository updated for arm64 architecture

      GerritForge RPM v1.4 has been released, including the native packages for arm64 architecutre.

    • DockerHub images for arm64 architecture

      DockerHub Gerrit images include images for arm64 architecture.

  • Performance Fixes

    • Change 350577 copy-approvals: use multiple threads for copy-approvals, improve performance

      Split the work into slices of changes and then utilize one thread per slice. Also skip unnecessary reindexing. On a large Gerrit site with 1.3 million changes, this reduced the time for copy-approvals from 5 hours to 15-20 minutes.

    • Change 350236 Optimized change visibilty checking when the project is hidden

      Looping over every change when the whole project isn‘t readable is a waste of CPU. It’s a bigger waste to fetch all the change data in the first place.

    • Issue 16379: Remove key locking for disabled caches

      This change also makes the memoryLimit behaviour consistent with the diskLimit set to zero means disabling the implementation of the cache.

    • Change 349895: Add AndCardinalPredicate and OrCardinalPredicate

      Before this change, IndexSource derived cardinality from predicate which implement HasCardinality. Since AndPredicate and OrPredicate does not return cardinality, IndexSource defaults to 10 when query comprises more than one predicate. Due to this behavior, AndSource chooses IndexSource almost always when query contains more than one index predicate. This helps AndSource to choose the right source more often.

    • Change 347956: Introduce possibility to define the cardinality so that AndSource predicate can work more efficiently

      Before this change, cardinality of the IndexSource was always set to 10. This makes AndSource to choose IndexSource over other sources most of the time. Add a HasCardinality interface which can be used by all the predicates which implement IndexPredicate to set a cardinality. This helps AndSource to choose the right datasource.

    • Change 349355: Cache repository locations in LocalDiskRepositoryManager

      Obtaining the actual location of a repository using base-path and project name can be slow as it involves some guessing to locate the repository. Cache the locations once they are obtained to avoid repeated work, thereby improving performance when opening repositories.

    • Change 347955: Consider cardinality while choosing the data source for AndSource predicate

      Before this change, AndSource considered cost to choose a datasource. Ideally cost should be used to determine which predicate to run #match() against first, so that queries are faster. Cardinality should be used to determine which datasource to be picked so that there are fewer changes to process. Consider cardinality of the datasource to choose the source and use cost when cardinality is same.

  • Bug Fixes

    • Change 350576 copy-approvals: continue when there are corrupt meta-refs in a project

      If there was a corrupt meta-ref in a project, the copy-approvals failed for all changes in that project. Mitigates [Issue 16326].

    • Change 350575 copy-approvals: don't stop when it fails on one project

      When copying of approvals failed in one project it skipped copying of approvals for other projects where it would potentially finish successfully.

    • Change 350414 Fix index rewriter to rewrite all Or/AndPredicates. AndSource chooses right source more often

    • Change 349314 Fix reindex with label copyCondition containing group.

    • Change 77495: Fix for IllegalStateException during the Gerrit start when cache.projects.refreshAfterWrite is set to true and prolog rules are used

    • Change 350014: Do not set cherryPickOf on RevertSubmission

      The RevertSubmission internally uses CherryPickChange operation. It creates the ‘normal’ revert for the first change in the relation chain, for each subsequent change it creates a revert commit that is then cherry-picked. This cherry-pick is not a cherry-pick of the reverted change. This is a cherry-pick of the revert commit of the original change. This change fixes the bug in the logic that sets cherryPickOf to the original (reverted) change, using the CherryPickChange operation.

    • Change 349894: Don't always rewrite And/OrPredicate to And/OrSource

      Before this change OrPredicate was always rewritten to OrSource. This is not the right thing to do as OrSource#read() will eventually fail when there is at least one non-datasource child. Since Change 347955, AndSource picks a source which has the lowest cardinality which makes the OrSource#read() failures more visible. Rewrite OrPredicate to OrSource only when all the children in the predicate are DataSources.

    • Change 348715; Clarify that a restart is needed before changes to email templates take effect

    • Issue 16182: Reintroduce the Change-Id footer in change screen

      This change reintroduce the Change-Id footer below the commit message on the Gerrit UI.

    • Issue 10168: Fix HTTP 404 when browsing tags on Gitweb

      The Gitweb links to tags have been broken in v2.14.10 onwards. Gitweb supports the ‘a=tags’ rendering action for annotated tags only, returning 404 for all lightweight tags. Use the generic ‘a=shortlog’ for Gitweb links to tags which would work for both annotated and lightweight ones.

    • Change 347495: Fix for IllegalStateException during the Gerrit start when cache.projects.refreshAfterWrite is set to true and prolog rules are used

    • Issue 15997: Make DelegateRepository#delegate() method public to allow plugins/modules to access it


  • Security Fixes

    • Issue 16054: Fix confidentiality leak by users with create ref permission using the create branch REST-API

      Any user with create ref permission was able to gain access to any SHA1 or refs, including the ones that they would not have permission to see.

  • Breaking changes

    • Issue 15941: Fix SSH queries to not show commit-message unless --commit-message is provided

      This issue has existed for several years and should be considered breaking as users might expect commit message to be included by default in SSH query results. Obtaining the commit message is a costly operation as the commit data has to be loaded. So, showing it even when --commit-message is not provided degrades the performance of SSH queries.

    • Change 344300: Add missing return values in MetricMaker's newCallbackMetric and newConstantMetric

      When new callback and constant metrics were created the RegistrationHandle was not returned, making impossible to de-register them. The method signature is now aligned, however, all plugins, including the core ones, that were registering callback or constant metrics would need to be rebuilt from source or downloaded from the latest build on Gerrit-CI.

  • New features

    • Change 343096: Introduce index.paginationType=SEARCH_AFTER configuration for speeding up query pagination

    • Change 343798: Introduce index.pageSizeMultiplier configuration to paginate index queries with increasing size

    • Change 344334: Implement no-limit queries with multiple pages, make them usable with Elasticsearch

    • Change 345017: Add public EventTypes.getRegisteredEvents() for accessing all stream event types from plugins

    • Change 340714: Introduce metrics configuration for different data reservoirs

    • Change 347496: New configuration option to periodically warm the project_list cache

      Reduce the likelihood of the project_list cache being evicted by providing an option to periodically warm it up. When this warmer is enabled, change detail page loads are consistently faster.

  • Performance Fixes

    • Change 338154: Lazy load change notes when submit by push Improves performance of change submit via push

    • Change 338614 Optimize SSH queries to avoid loading individual accounts This improves performance of SSH queries.

    • Change 338474: Allow async receive-commits to have a thread-local cache Improve caching when merging changes through git push

    • Change 338574: Cache ProjectControl instances in SSH queries A PerThreadCache is used to cache ProjectControl instances to improve SSH query performance.

    • Change 338834: Avoid creating an IdentifiedUser multiple times in a SSH query This improves performance of SSH queries.

  • Bug Fixes

    • Issue 16306: Fix Bazel build on Apple M2 ARM64 chip

    • Issue 16284: Fix performance issues with git-upload-pack on repositories with a large number of changes

    • Issue 16043: Fix reindexing for changes with a commit message longer than 32766 bytes

    • Change 347474: Fix DefaultMemoryCacheFactory to correctly set refreshAfterWrite Setting refreshAfterWrite in gerrit.config now works and does not mistakenly set expireAfterAccess

    • Change 340635: Fix CSS of the Contributor Agreement screen which was preventing to sign CLAs

    • Issue 15997: Make delegate() method public git-repo-metrics plugin now works with multi-site setup

    • Issue 16018 Don't try to mark files as reviewed when not logged in Fix marking of reviewed flag when not logged in. “Log in is required to perform that action” popup is no longer seen when viewing file diffs unauthenticated.

    • Issue 16038: Fix “internal error” when pushing to refs/users/xx/xxxx Push over HTTP to refs/users/* branch now works and doesn't fail with “error: internal error” / Not Signed In

    • Issue 16001: AsciiDoctor: skip attribute when looking for title Fix documentation search showing :linkattrs: instead of the document title

    • Issue 15134: Apply the match operator to filter projects Next-arrow is now not hidden when searching for repositories in the Repository section

    • Change 337474: Use sane value for QueryProcessor's effective limit on “--no-limit” Fix errors seen when --no-limit query option is used with ES index backend

    • Change 339754: Fix gerrit review command with branch option

      The gerrit review command was not able to find the commit with branch option; ensure “refs/heads/” prefix is present for branch option.

    • Issue 16106: Fix label operator to work with external groups, which never worked before since its addition in v2.10.

    • Change 331762: Cache permission filtering for All-Projects, allowing a faster ACL evaluation to any refs.

    • Change 343694: Improve performance of queries that check the visibility of changes wrt a non-current user

    • Change 346254: Fix change queries evaluation of AND terms to run match on predicate whose cost is least

      Sort the change queries predicates in AND based on cost and cardinality, which was broken since Change 79391.

      WARNING: queries containing predicates with poorly defined costs or cardinalities could perform worse now.

  • Dependency Updates

    • Update JGit to d01376106af8800017ac3c08d7c7ac1fd5ccc9ee, including the following fixes and improvements:

      • 011c26ff3 - Fix connection leak for smart http connections
      • d67ac798f - Remove stray files (probes or lock files) created by background threads
      • 035e0e23f - UploadPack: don't prematurely terminate timer in case of error
      • 66ace4b9a - UploadPack: do not check reachability of visible SHA1s
      • 8984e1f66 - HTTP Smart: set correct HTTP status on error
  • Documentation fixes

    • Change 340534 Fix link to change.mergeabilityComputationBehavior in user-search.txt

    • Change 339235 Add copy-approvals SSH command link to the index page

    • Change 338949 Fix auto-generated documentation header for plugins

    • Change 337835 rest-api-projects: Fix documentation for #inherited-boolean-info

    • Change 340114 sshd config: Reference implementation sections upstream

    • Change 339819 Supplement key exchange supported by Apache MINA

    • Change 339818 Supplement ‘encrypt-then-MAC’ supported by Apache MINA

    • Change 339815 Supplement cipher algorithms in sshd.cipher section

  • Other Fixes

    • Change 337835: rest-api-projects: Fix documentation for #inherited-boolean-info

    • Change 340245 Propagate auto flush value to external index module

    • Change 340534: Fix link to change.mergeabilityComputationBehavior in user-search.txt


  • Bug Fixes

    • Issue 15957: Fix loading ssh and gpg keys in Gerrit UI and make the text areas have a white background

      The Gerrit UI did not display the list of the user‘s SSH and GPG keys, even if they were present in the user’s profile and working as expected.

  • Other Fixes

    • Change 337014: Plugins named with hyphens can now define query operators