title: “Issue Tracking” permalink: issues.html hide_sidebar: true hide_navtoggle: true toc: false

Issues are tracked in the Gerrit Code Review Issue Tracker.


Issues that do not have a contributor actively working on them may be in one of three states:

  • New: issue has not had initial review yet.
  • AwaitingInformation: issue needs more detail attached.
  • Accepted: problem reproduced or feature request acknowledged.

Issues being worked on should change the status to let others know it may be resolved in the near future:

  • Started: a contributor has begun work on this issue.
  • ChangeUnderReview: a change for this issue been uploaded for code review.

Closed states resolve an issue:

  • Submitted: a fix has been submitted to a stable branch or the master branch and will be included in a future release.
  • Released: a release has been announced including this fix.


PriorityTarget Response TimeResolution
Priority-01 working day“soon”
Priority-15 working days
Priority-230 working daysbest effort
Priority-3-best effort
Priority-4-best effort

As explained on the support page the Gerrit community aims to achieve the target response times that are documented above, but there IS NO guaranteed Service Level Agreement.


  • Critical issue causing failures in production.
  • Major functionality broken that renders a feature unusable.


  • Urgent; the issue is blocking a user from getting their job done.
  • Breakage blocking next release (e.g. Guice injectors).
  • Defect causing functional regression in production.
  • Production issue impacting customers.


  • Work tied to roadmap, or near term upcoming release.
  • Inconvenient bug that should be addressed in one of the next few releases.


  • We feel your pain: the team would like to fix this, but lacks the resources to do this soon. Gerrit is an open-source project; contributions are appreciated.
  • Desirable feature or enhancement not on the roadmap.


  • Ponies and icebox.
  • Unfortunate: it's a legitimate issue, but the team never plans to fix this.


  • Type-Bug is broken functionality.
  • Type-Feature is a request for new feature or enhancement.


Overview about the most important components (not an exhaustive list).


Component for the Gerrit web frontend. Issues in this component are actively triaged by the Gerrit Experience team at Google.


General component for Gerrit backend issues. Issues that affect the googlesource.com family of servers, including gerrit-review.googlesource.com, may be tagged with the Host-Googlesource label, which brings them to the attention of the Gerrit Infrastructure team at Google.


Component for issues that are unique to the googlesource.com family of servers, including gerrit-review.googlesource.com. This covers both administration support required (e.g. fix a broken user account) and issues unique to the server's plugins (e.g. authentication/web sessions or secondary index). Issues in this component are actively triaged by the Gerrit Infrastructure team at Google.


Component for issues regarding the governance of the Gerrit project. The Engineering Steering Committee is triaging issues on this component on a regular basis (e.g. monthly).


Component for issues regarding the health of the Gerrit community. The community managers are triaging issues on this component on a regular basis (e.g. monthly).


Plugins that are actively developed may have their own subcomponent: Plugins>{plugin-name}