title: “Presentations” permalink: presentations.html hide_sidebar: true hide_navtoggle: true toc: false


Community members willing to learn about Gerrit may find useful resources on this single page. The listed presentations can be tutorials, slides, videos, channels or other relevant formats. There are tutorials also in the Gerrit documentation.

GerritForge also publishes the recordings of the talks of the Gerrit summits on a dedicated YouTube channel.

List of presentations

Please add new presentations at the top of this list.

[2021-06-10] Virtual Contributor Summit 2021

The Gerrit community had a virtual 2-days event with various talks and discussions. The presentation slides and notes are available from the agenda.

[2020-11-20] Virtual Contributor Summit 2020

The Gerrit community had a virtual 2-days event with various talks and discussions. The presentation slides and notes are available from the agenda.

[2020-08-26] End-to-end tests

This presentation introduces a framework component for end-to-end tests and explains how to start using it from Gerrit core and plugins. This framework was based on the original work done by GerritForge.

A recording of the presentation is available [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/19YvJbPHDmwmMVcaehI1ot6xVdoQY0QxY/view?usp=sharing">gerrit/e2e-tests Recording).

From: Marco Miller (Ericsson)

[2020-04-08] Summit & Hackathon 2019 in Sunnyvale

This is the summary of the Gerrit User Summit & Hackathon 2019 in Sunnyvale, with links to the available presentations.

From: Luca Milanesio with contributors (Gerrit)

[2019-09-11] Summit 2019 in Gothenburg

This is the summary of the Gerrit User Summit 2019 in Gothenburg, with links to the available presentations.

From: Luca Milanesio (GerritForge)

[2019-01-14] Concepts and Workflows

These slides explain Git and Gerrit concepts and workflows and are meant for self-studying how Git and Gerrit work.

From: Edwin Kempin (Google)

How to add presentations

Upload a change to the homepage project that adds the presentation to this page. If you don't know how to do this, just send an email to the repo-discuss mailing list that has a subject starting with ‘[presentation]’ and a Gerrit maintainer will take care to upload the presentation for you.
