Ben Rohlfs, Han-Wen Nienhuys, Luca Milanesio, Patrick Hiesel, Saša Živkov, Albert Cui (observer)
Online, May 10, 17:00 - 18:00 CET
Jun 1, 2021 - 11:00 - 12:00 CET
Google will switch out Ben for Albert in the ESC. Thanks Ben for all your contributions!
Albert is the product manager for Google's Gerrit team.
Gerrit will remove HTML plugins as part of the 3.4 release. In doing so, standalone build support for frontend plugins was removed. This created issues for community members who depended on this behavior.
The ESC discussed that David Ostrovsky provided a fix to bring back standalone build support, however there has never been a clear stance as to whether this functionality is formally supported by the Gerrit project.
The ESC discussed that this functionality is used by very few people; SAP, Gerrit Forge, Google, for example, all do in-tree builds.
The ESC reached consensus that for future releases, standalone build support would be a best effort, community supported feature and not a blocker for releases.
We've seen a growing number of complaints about a commenting / selection issue when using the newest version of Safari, the default in the latest macOS Big Sur release.
Folks from GerritForge are actively looking to address the issue.
Luca proposed adding GerritForge’s events-broker and global-refdb to the Gerrit tree as third party libraries (similar to JGit) to make plugin dependencies easier to manage. Patrick will look into this and provide feedback at the next ESC meeting.
Marcin has proposed a new design for Events Compatibility. Han-Wen has discussed this with Marcin but has not had a chance to look into the updated design.
We have looked into all open issues and assigned owners to all of them.