Ben Rohlfs, Han-Wen Nienhuys, Luca Milanesio
Online, Apr 6, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
May 4, 2021 - 11:00 - 12:00 CET
Wikimedia raised the problem of CSS overrides in the Gerrit Frontend from Gerrit v3.1 onwards. We know that other Gerrit hosts have similar problems.
Ben as the Frontend lead is aware of the problem and proposed the following:
GerritForge will continue to improve the automatic E2E Gatling tests run daily on stable-3.4. A temporary 8x slowdown was discussed, but that was a one-off and performance is back to normal. Han-Wen has filed issue 14344 for looking into Soy slowdown.
Luca proposed to issue a “weekly release bulletin” with list of commits included, builds summary and Gatling tests highlights. The ESC appreciates such weekly updates.
It was decided to keep ElasticSearch support in 3.4, but remove it in 3.5.
The issue 14318 was briefly discussed. Han-Wen and Ben explained how the ‘clearcut’ plugin works on Google hosted Gerrit instances. It collects usage statistics and performance data in accordance with the Google Privacy Policy.
Marcin has proposed a new design for Events Compatibility. Han-Wen will find someone at Google to review the change and moderate the design process.
Luca will reach out to Jacek about potentially closing the stale designs for an “Auth Extension Point”.
We have looked into all open issues and closed some. The remaining 4 issues are valid and will keep being monitored by the ESC.