Gerrit is an open-source project and its success much depends on the Gerrit community and the people driving it. Every day we see highly engaged and motivated contributors and kudos is a way for you to thank them and show your appreciation.
Kudos is a public written thank you note of appreciation. These can be given by anyone to any Gerrit contributor and are public on the Gerrit homepage.
Kudos can be given for doing a good job (e.g. fixing an important bug, helping someone resolve an issue, speaking at an event etc.) or living good citizenship behavior (e.g. doing lots of reviews, actively helping users on the mailing list, caring about releases, organizing community events, maintaining plugins etc.).
Upload a change to the homepage project that adds the kudos to this page. If you don't know how to do this, just send an email to the repo-discuss mailing list that has a subject starting with ‘[kudos]’ and a Gerrit maintainer will take care to upload the kudos for you.
Please add new kudos at the top of this list.
[2022-02-04] To: Andrew Allen
Thank you Andrew for moderating the last Gerrit community meeting and taking extensive notes. Very much appreciated!
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
[2021-11-24] To: Patrick Mulhall (aka Paladox)
Thank you Patrick for your continued work on Lit migration and TS migration for Gerrit FE. Thanks to your efforts we have now migrated over 20% of all components to Lit.
A big thank you for all your contributions!
From: Chris Poucet (Google)
[2021-10-28] To: David Ostrovsky
Thank you David for contributing the javamelody plugin back in 2013. Also a big thanks to all the contributors to the plugin since then. This plugin is an amazingly useful tool that makes the life of a Gerrit admin, and developer, so much easier.
From: Sven Selberg (Axis Communications AB)
[2021-06-14] To: Ben Rohlfs (Google), Delphine Carlson (Google), Dhruv Srivastava (Google), Gal Paikin (Google), Han-Wen Nienhuys (Google), Kaushik Lingarkar (Qualcomm), Luca Milanesio (GerritForge), Marija Savtchouk (Google), Matthias Sohn (SAP), Milutin Kristofic (Google), Saša Živkov (SAP), Youssef Elghareeb (Google)
Thank you for taking time to prepare and do a talk at the virtual Gerrit Contributor Summit. For the Gerrit community it's very important to share knowledge and experiences. Doing a talk fosters the community collaboration and allows us all to learn from each other.
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
[2021-06-14] To: Matthias Sohn (SAP)
Thank you Matthias for co-organizing the virtual Gerrit Contributor Summit together with me.
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
[2021-04-23] To: David Ostrovsky
Thanks for fixing the standalone build of the PolyGerrit plugins on stable-3.4, even though it was not specific to any of your projects or plugins. You have been demonstrating now again, and consistently for many years, the real spirit of a vibrant open-source community: when you see a problem anywhere, you ask yourself how can you fix it rather than waiting for others to address it for you.
We are very delighted to have you as long-running maintainer of the Gerrit Code Review project.
From: Luca Milanesio (GerritForge)
[2021-03-03] To: David Ostrovsky
Thanks for your latest work on the RBE Build/Test. We are seeing a significant improvement in the Gerrit CI speed because of this.
From: Dhruv Srivastava (Google)
[2020-12-09] To: David Ostrovsky
I was struggling with generating a test coverage report for the code-owners plugin and posted a question about this on repo-discuss. David picked up the investigation right away. He did not only reproduce and analyze the issue, but also filed an issue for the Bazel team and uploaded a change for the code-owners plugin that makes meassuring the test coverage work. In addition, David also pointed me to an easier command to generate the test coverage data. Thank you David, this was awesome!
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
[2020-12-01] To: Matthias Sohn (SAP), Luca Milanesio (GerritForge) and Patrick Hiesel (Google)
Thanks to Matthias for his prompt work again recently on stabilizing JGit for Gerrit 3.3 as well as downstream versions; [1]. Thanks to Luca for having actively supported that effort, along with his testing and releasing efforts around the recent security fixes [2]. This was overall teamwork, however both of them community colleagues walked quite a few extra miles to get this fixed. Thanks to Patrick for his leading work on [3] and his crucial support for [2]; Google team's involvement remained essential here once again. Your hard work, guys and everyone around you, allowed us all to end up releasing Gerrit 3.3.0!
[1] Ensure that GC#deleteOrphans respects pack lock
[2] Work around Gitiles bug on All-Users visibility
[3] Make PermissionBackend#ForRef authoritative
From: Marco Miller (Ericsson)
[2020-09-02] To: Saša Živkov (SAP)
Thanks again Saša for having helped significantly on these replication reviews. Once again, you were able to patiently help and iterate through a challenging yet relevant review then. You are among the Gerrit reviewers who show professional review comments, both technically and socially speaking.
Your calm approach to a review and the attitude that follows are humble and exemplary. So thank you for your thorough, supportive and helpful review(s). You made a difference again for this review, which needed a keen stir such as yours.
From: Marco Miller (Ericsson)
[2020-07-17] To: Saša Živkov (SAP)
Thank you Saša for always helping people out when they struggle with Prolog submit rules. Being able to configure when a change should be submittable is important for many teams, but when this requires writing Prolog submit rules people often struggle because they are not much familiar with Prolog. When this happens, Saša is always there to help. This unblocks teams setting up their workflows and saves them quite some frustration debugging Prolog. Saša also wrote the Prolog cookbook in the Gerrit documentation which continues to be a great source for everyone starting with Prolog submit rules.
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
[2020-06-29] To: Christian Aistleitner (quelltextlich e.U., Wikimedia)
Often Gerrit administrators are worried about upgrading their Gerrit instances, especially if the upgrade is across multiple Gerrit versions and if it includes the migration to NoteDb. To overcome this, it's important that community members give feedback on performed upgrades and issues that they hit during the migration. Christian just shared a summary of the Gerrit upgrade that was done at Wikimedia, including a list of things to watch out during such an upgrade. Thank you Christian for sharing these insights and even more for contributing back fixes for the issues that you faced, making the upgrade smoother for others.
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
[2020-06-26] To: Marco Miller (Ericsson) and Matthias Sohn (SAP)
For Gerrit as an open source project it is essential to have a healthy open source community. To address the needs of the open source community better we have established the role of a community manager one year ago. I want to thank Marco and Matthias for taking up this role and filling it with life. It is a pleasure to work with you as community manager and I'm amazed by the things that we have achieved together.
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
[2019-08-07] To: David Pursehouse (CollabNet)
For the open-source community it is very important that all discusssions are transparent and that findings and conclusions are clearly communicated. David takes care to collect and publish project news regularly on our homepage making it easy for everyone to follow what's going on in the project. Previously one could get this level of insights only by closely following the mailing list and ongoing reviews. Thank you David, this is a great overview for everyone, especially for people that are not deeply involved in the project.
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
[2019-03-21] To: Gert van Dijk
I want to thank Gert for actively supporting users on the repo-discuss mailing list. Taking time to understand user issues and guide them to solutions is highly appreciated. This work is especially important to make the onboarding of new Gerrit users smooth.
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
[2019-03-20] To: David Pursehouse (CollabNet); David Ostrovsky; Jonathan Nieder (Google), Jonathan Tan (Google), Luca Milanesio (GerritForge); Masaya Suzuki (Google), Matthias Sohn (SAP)
The Gerrit open-source project had to deal with 2 severe security vulnerabilities (issue 40010078, issue 40010130) that required patching 6 JGit releases and 8 Gerrit releases (2.9 to 2.16). David Pursehouse, David Ostrovsky, Jonathan Nieder, Jonathan Tan, Luca Milanesio, Masaya Suzuki and Matthias Sohn were extremely supportive to deal with the situation. In particular they took care of:
- Reverting the problematic code in Gerrit (David Pursehouse)
- Implementing JGit fixes (Masaya Suzuki, Jonathan Nieder)
- Reviewing JGit fixes (Masaya Suzuki, Jonathan Nieder, Jonathan Tan, Matthias Sohn)
- Preparing fixed JGit versions (Matthias Sohn)
- Making the fixed JGit versions available to Gerrit without breaking the embargo (Matthias Sohn)
- Upgrading JGit for all affected Gerrit versions (David Ostrovsky)
- Fixing the CI build for Gerrit 2.9 (David Ostrovsky, Luca Milanesio)
- Writing release notes (David Pursehouse)
- Code reviews (David Pursehouse, David Ostrovsky, Luca Milanesio)
- Releasing fixed Gerrit 2.16 versions (David Pursehouse, Luca Milanesio)
- Releasing fixed Gerrit 2.15 version (David Pursehouse)
- Releasing fixed Gerrit 2.9 to 2.14 versions (Luca Milanesio)
- Announcing and documenting the vulnerabilities for the community (David Pursehouse, Luca Milanesio)
- Collaboration on a post mortem (David Pursehouse, David Ostrovsky, Luca Milanesio, Matthias Sohn)
This was an extraordinary collaboration across teams, projects, companies and timezones and showed to the Gerrit community that the Gerrit project is taking security seriously.
This engagement was especially remarkable since a lot of these actions happened during Christmas/New Year.
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
[2019-03-20] To: Luca Milanesio (GerritForge)
I want to thank Luca for setting up the analytics dashboard for Gerrit. This dashboard makes the community contributions transparent and I always find it interesting to look at the various statistics.
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
[2019-03-20] To: Luca Milanesio (GerritForge)
Luca runs the CI server for the Gerrit project. This supports the Gerrit development a lot because changes are automatically verified and change authors get quick feedback on issues with compilation, tests and formatting.
Luca did not only set up builds for Gerrit across all its branches, but also for most of the Gerrit plugins. This makes the consumption of Gerrit plugins much easier since users can simply download the jars of the plugins they need, instead of building them themselves.
Thank you Luca!
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
[2019-03-20] To: David Pursehouse (CollabNet)
David takes great care of the Gerrit releases. This is of high importance for the Gerrit community because it makes new features and bug-fixes available for everyone.
David was driving several major releases and ensures that the release notes are always well-written and complete. In addition, he pays high attention to backporting bug-fixes that matter and ensures that release issues are quickly addressed by frequently releasing minor versions that include these bug-fixes. David also takes care of merging the stable branches back to master which can be a lot of work because conflicts need to be resovled.
I really appreciate all this work. Thank you!
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
[2019-03-20] To: David Ostrovsky
Since years David is taking care of our build tool chain and ensures that the development setup to start working on Gerrit and Gerrit plugins is staying smooth.
David was the main driver to adopt first Buck and then Bazel. Rewriting the complete build tool chain multiple times was a large amount of work and included tracing down and fixing many tricky issues that required collaboration with the Buck and Bazel teams.
I‘m happy that the Gerrit build always just works, but I know that this can’t be taken for granted. Thanks David for all your hard work on this.
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)
[2019-03-20] To: Shawn Pearce (Google)
I want to thank Shawn for starting the Gerrit Code Review project and fostering a great open-source community around it.
Shawn‘s passion and dedication are the source of our success. Shawn was an outstanding engineer who shaped the long-term vision for our project. The number of his contributions is beyond count, his guidance and deep technical knowledge were exceptional and I’m truely thankful for all his reviews that made me learn so much.
From: Edwin Kempin (Google)