We are happy that you want to join the Gerrit community and enrich discussions with your knowledge and viewpoints. To make the experience enjoyable for everyone we ask that you first read the Code of Conduct of the Gerrit Community.
Repo Discuss is the main mailing list for the Gerrit and repo projects. Here you can ask questions and look through previous threads for answers. Repo Discuss is also a good place to start if you need Gerrit support.
Repo Discuss is public so anything you post here is visible to anyone.
Gerrit Code Review Maintainers is a mailing list with all the current maintainers in the Gerrit community.
Anyone can post to the list, but the posts are only visible to the maintainers. You can report things like severe security issues to the maintainer list.
Gerrit Code Review Community Managers is the mailing list with all the current community managers.
Anyone can post to the list, but the posts are only visible to the community managers. You can report things like breach of the Code of Conduct or ask for help with conflict resolution or ask community related questions that you don't want to ask publicly.
Gerrit Code Review has a discord channel that is a great place to get your questions answered, discuss various items or just keep track of what's happening in the community. Everyone is welcome.