title: “Tentative Roadmap” permalink: roadmap.html hide_sidebar: true hide_navtoggle: true toc: false

The Gerrit roadmap is a best-effort collection of features/improvements that the ESC is aware of. The intention is to give the wider community - contributors as well as administrators and users - a sense of what they can expect to see in upcoming releases.

This is a living document, so things can change anytime. There is no ordering between features/improvements.

If you’re a contributor and you intend to work on something which is not mentioned here, please create a change and select the ESC members as reviewers. Don’t use this channel to submit ideas or wishes you want someone else of the community to work on!

If someone would like to be involved when a specific topic is tackled, please reach out to the ESC.

Gerrit 3.8

Target: Q1 2023

See Google 2023 Q1 OKRs.