title: “Gerrit Code Review - Support” permalink: support.html hide_sidebar: true hide_navtoggle: true toc: false

Supported Versions

The Gerrit open-source community actively supports the last 2 releases on a best effort basis. Older releases are not actively maintained but may still receive important fixes (e.g. security fixes), but there is no guarantee for this. Which fixes are backported to these old releases is decided on a case by case basis.

End of life for old release happens implicitly when a new Gerrit version is released, and is announced via the project news and on the mailing list.

The following table shows the current level of support for Gerrit releases:

VersionSupport StatusNotes
2.16EOLEOL since 1 June 2020
2.15EOLEOL since 15 November 2019
2.14EOLEOL since 31 May 2019
pre 2.13EOL

The same support status, as well as notes and documentation for every recent Gerrit release is detailed here.

General Support

Repo Discuss should be your first stop when you encounter an issue with Gerrit.

Here you will reach a majority of Gerrit contributors and Gerrit admins around the world. Often someone has had your issue before and can help you.

Many questions regarding Gerrit concerns are a direct result of local environment and configuration. Often such issues have already been discussed on the repo-discuss mailing list and you may find an answer by searching through the existing posts. If you have a new question, you can start a new discussion thread. Via the mailing list you can reach a plethora of Gerrit experts in our world wide community and benefit from their collective knowledge.

The repo-discuss mailing list is managed to prevent spam posts. This means posts from new participants must be approved manually before they appear on the mailing list. Approvals normally happen within 1 work day. Posts of people that participate in mailing list discussions frequently are approved automatically.

Using the mailing list, you can also request to be invited to the open Slack channel if prompted to. A maintainer or community manager should then be able to address your request. Please try accessing it first before issuing a request for it.

You could also check the questions tagged with “gerrit” on Stack Overflow.

Response time and SLO

Gerrit Code Review is an open-source project, which means that the people that are using the tool are invited to cooperate and join for contributing to its development and support. Opening new issues, triaging existing ones and helping to resolve them are ways of contributing to the project.

There is not a formal support contract amongst the members of the community, therefore there IS NO guaranteed Service Level Agreement on the response and resolution of the issues raised, but we are happy to define our SLO (Service Level Objectives). However, amongst ourselves, we are aiming to achieve the following response times, depending on the severity of the issue raised.

SeverityDescriptionTarget response time
P0Major functionality broken that renders a feature unusable1 working day
P1Defect causing regression in production5 working days
P2Work tied to roadmap or near term upcoming release30 working days
P3Desirable feature or enhancement not in the roadmap-
P4Everything else-

NOTE: Bug reports about existing features are typically classified between P0 and P3, feature requests are classified between P2 and P4.


If the issue/question you posted on Repo Discuss is considered a bug the community will ask you to create an issue for tracking it. Bugs are reported to the issue tracker. The issue tracker is not always the best place to initially request new features, as the main focus for those consuming it is fixing bugs.

New Features

The Gerrit project has adopted a feature request model where you are asked to submit your feature request together with some valid, general, use-cases.