Sometimes users wind up with two accounts on a Gerrit server, this is especially common with OpenID installations when the user forgets which OpenID provider he had used, and opens yet another account with a different OpenID identity... but the site administrator knows they are the same person.
Unfortunately this has happened often enough on that I've developed a set of PostgreSQL scripts to handle merging the accounts.
The first script, load_merge.sql, creates a temporary table called “links” which contains a mapping of source account_id to destination account_id. This mapping tries to map the most recently created account for a user to the oldest account for the same user, by comparing email addresses and registration dates. Administrators can (and probably should) edit this temporary table before running the second script. The second script, merge_accounts.sql, performs the merge by updating all records in the database in a transaction, but does not commit it at the end. This allows the administrator to double check any records by query before committing the merge result for good.
CREATE TEMP TABLE links (from_id INT NOT NULL ,to_id INT NOT NULL); DELETE FROM links; INSERT INTO links (from_id, to_id) SELECT f.account_id ,t.account_id FROM accounts f ,accounts t WHERE f.preferred_email is not null AND t.preferred_email is not null AND f.account_id <> t.account_id AND f.preferred_email = t.preferred_email AND f.registered_on > t.registered_on AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM links l WHERE l.from_id = f.account_id AND l.to_id = t.account_id); INSERT INTO links (from_id, to_id) SELECT DISTINCT f.account_id ,t.account_id FROM account_external_ids e_t ,account_external_ids e_f ,accounts f ,accounts t WHERE e_t.external_id = 'Google Account ' || e_f.email_address AND e_f.account_id <> e_t.account_id AND e_f.account_id = f.account_id AND e_t.account_id = t.account_id AND f.registered_on > t.registered_on AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM links l WHERE l.from_id = f.account_id AND l.to_id = t.account_id); SELECT l.from_id ,l.to_id ,f.registered_on ,t.registered_on ,t.preferred_email FROM links l ,accounts f ,accounts t WHERE f.account_id = l.from_id AND t.account_id = l.to_id ORDER BY t.preferred_email;
DROP TABLE to_del; CREATE TEMP TABLE to_del (old_id INT); CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_ids (email_address VARCHAR(255) ,account_id INT NOT NULL ,from_account_id INT NOT NULL ,external_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ); BEGIN TRANSACTION; DELETE FROM tmp_ids; INSERT INTO tmp_ids (account_id ,from_account_id ,email_address ,external_id) SELECT l.to_id ,l.from_id ,e.email_address ,e.external_id FROM links l, account_external_ids e WHERE e.account_id = l.from_id AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM account_external_ids q WHERE q.account_id = l.to_id AND q.external_id = e.external_id); DELETE FROM account_external_ids WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tmp_ids t WHERE account_external_ids.external_id = t.external_id AND account_external_ids.account_id = t.from_account_id); INSERT INTO account_external_ids (account_id ,email_address ,external_id) SELECT account_id ,email_address ,external_id FROM tmp_ids; INSERT INTO account_ssh_keys (ssh_public_key ,valid ,account_id ,seq) SELECT k.ssh_public_key ,k.valid ,l.to_id ,100 + k.seq FROM links l, account_ssh_keys k WHERE k.account_id = l.from_id AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM account_ssh_keys p WHERE p.account_id = l.to_id AND p.ssh_public_key = k.ssh_public_key); INSERT INTO starred_changes (account_id, change_id) SELECT l.to_id, s.change_id FROM links l, starred_changes s WHERE l.from_id IS NOT NULL AND l.to_id IS NOT NULL AND s.account_id = l.from_id AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM starred_changes e WHERE e.account_id = l.to_id AND e.change_id = s.change_id); INSERT INTO account_project_watches (account_id, project_name) SELECT l.to_id, s.project_name FROM links l, account_project_watches s WHERE l.from_id IS NOT NULL AND l.to_id IS NOT NULL AND s.account_id = l.from_id AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM account_project_watches e WHERE e.account_id = l.to_id AND e.project_name = s.project_name); INSERT INTO account_group_members (account_id, group_id) SELECT l.to_id, s.group_id FROM links l, account_group_members s WHERE l.from_id IS NOT NULL AND l.to_id IS NOT NULL AND s.account_id = l.from_id AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM account_group_members e WHERE e.account_id = l.to_id AND e.group_id = s.group_id); UPDATE changes SET owner_account_id = (SELECT l.to_id FROM links l WHERE l.from_id = owner_account_id) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM links l WHERE l.to_id IS NOT NULL AND l.from_id IS NOT NULL AND l.from_id = owner_account_id); UPDATE patch_sets SET uploader_account_id = (SELECT l.to_id FROM links l WHERE l.from_id = uploader_account_id) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM links l WHERE l.to_id IS NOT NULL AND l.from_id IS NOT NULL AND l.from_id = uploader_account_id); UPDATE patch_set_approvals SET account_id = (SELECT l.to_id FROM links l WHERE l.from_id = account_id) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM links l WHERE l.to_id IS NOT NULL AND l.from_id IS NOT NULL AND l.from_id = account_id) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM patch_set_approvals e, links l WHERE e.change_id = patch_set_approvals.change_id AND e.patch_set_id = patch_set_approvals.patch_set_id AND e.account_id = l.to_id AND e.category_id = patch_set_approvals.category_id AND l.from_id = patch_set_approvals.account_id); UPDATE change_messages SET author_id = (SELECT l.to_id FROM links l WHERE l.from_id = author_id) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM links l WHERE l.to_id IS NOT NULL AND l.from_id IS NOT NULL AND l.from_id = author_id); UPDATE patch_comments SET author_id = (SELECT l.to_id FROM links l WHERE l.from_id = author_id) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM links l WHERE l.to_id IS NOT NULL AND l.from_id IS NOT NULL AND l.from_id = author_id); -- Destroy the from account -- INSERT INTO to_del SELECT from_id FROM links WHERE to_id IS NOT NULL AND from_id IS NOT NULL; DELETE FROM account_agreements WHERE account_id IN (SELECT old_id FROM to_del); DELETE FROM account_external_ids WHERE account_id IN (SELECT old_id FROM to_del); DELETE FROM account_group_members WHERE account_id IN (SELECT old_id FROM to_del); DELETE FROM account_project_watches WHERE account_id IN (SELECT old_id FROM to_del); DELETE FROM account_ssh_keys WHERE account_id IN (SELECT old_id FROM to_del); DELETE FROM accounts WHERE account_id IN (SELECT old_id FROM to_del); DELETE FROM starred_changes WHERE account_id IN (SELECT old_id FROM to_del); DELETE FROM patch_set_approvals WHERE account_id IN (SELECT old_id FROM to_del);