title: “Gerrit 3.2.0 Release (in development)” permalink: 3.2.html hide_sidebar: true hide_navtoggle: true toc: true

Release Highlights

Important Notes

Mergeability behavior and performance

This release introduces a configuration that defines when Gerrit computes the mergability of a change (‘change.mergeabilityComputationBehavior’).

Computing the mergability of changes is an expensive operation that can be become a bottleneck for large Gerrit installations. The new setting allows administrators to control this expense. The tree options relate to the following use-cases:

  1. API_REF_UPDATED_AND_CHANGE_REINDEX: Mergeability is computed when Gerrit returns results on the API, reindexes changes and updates target refs.
  2. REF_UPDATED_AND_CHANGE_REINDEX: Mergeability is computed when Gerrit reindexes changes and updates target refs.
  3. NEVER: Optimize gerrit performance by shutting down mergeability computation entirely.

The documentation contains more information about this setting.

Schema Changes

Breaking Changes

New Features

Dependency Updates