prolog-shell - Simple interactive Prolog interpreter
java -jar gerrit.war prolog-shell [-s …]
Provides a simple interactive Prolog interpreter for development and testing.
into the interpreter once it was running. This option may be supplied more than once to load multiple files.Define a simple predicate and test it:
$ cat > food(apple). food(orange). ^D $ java -jar gerrit.war prolog-shell -s Gerrit Code Review 2.2.1-84-ge9c3992 - Interactive Prolog Shell based on Prolog Cafe 1.2.5 (mantis) Copyright(C) 1997-2009 M.Banbara and N.Tamura (type Ctrl-D or "halt." to exit, "['path/to/']." to load a file) {consulting /usr/local/google/users/sop/gerrit/gerrit/ ...} {/usr/local/google/users/sop/gerrit/gerrit/ consulted 99 msec} | ?- food(Type). Type = apple ? ; Type = orange ? ; no | ?-
Part of Gerrit Code Review