Gerrit 2.14

Download: 2.14

Documentation: 2.14

Release Highlights

  • Changes can be assigned to specific users
  • Open and Abandoned changes can be deleted
  • HTML emails and new templating framework
  • Support for receiving review comments by email
  • New Polymer based user interface
  • Support for elliptic curve/ed25519 SSH keys
  • Secondary index with Elastic Search (experimental)

Important Notes

Schema Changes

This release contains schema changes. To upgrade:

  java -jar gerrit.war init -d site_path

Java 8

Gerrit now requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 8. It is no longer possible to run Gerrit on JRE 7.

Bouncy Castle Libraries

The Bouncy Castle Crypto API libraries are now distributed in the Gerrit .war file rather than being downloaded during site initialization. When upgrading from a previous version of Gerrit, previously downloaded Bouncy Castle .jar files remaining in the site's /lib folder will be disabled by appending .disabled to the file name.

HTTP Digest Authentication Removed

Support for HTTP Digest Authentiation is removed.

With the move to NoteDB, the per-account data (including the HTTP password) will be stored in a branch in the All-Users repo, where it is subject to Gerrit ACLs. Since these are notoriously hard to setup correctly, we want to avoid storing the password in plaintext.

Existing passwords will be migrated to a hashed password during site initialization when upgrading from an earlier version of Gerrit.

Deprecation of Velocity Email Templates

This release deprecates the use of Velocity mail templates. In a future release support will be removed and it will be necessary to upgrade custom mail templates to Soy files.

Tag Permissions

The permissions “Push Annotated Tag” and “Push Signed Tag” are renamed to “Create Annotated Tag” and “Create Signed Tag”. Existing project configurations using the old permission names will be migrated during site initialization.

New Features

Change Assignee

Changes may be assigned to a specific user. This allows a workflow where the user that is assigned to a change is responsible for reviewing the change and/or passing the assignment on to another user.

In the UI, changes assigned to the currently logged in user are highlighted.

A new assignee: search predicate allows to find changes assigned to a given user.

Delete Changes


HTML Emails

Gerrit email messages are made easier to read by sending HTML content parts in addition to the existing text email content. This is enabled by default, and can be disabled by setting sendemail.html to false.

Users can opt to always receive plaintext emails by setting the Email Format preference.

Closure Templates

Mail templates can now be written using Closure Templates (Soy). Mail templates written in Velocity (VTL) are deprecated but still supported. Support for VTL will be dropped in the next release.

Review Comments by Email

Gerrit now supports receiving review comments by email.

Secondary Index with Elastic Search

It is possible to enable Elastic Search as a secondary index by setting index.type to ELASTICSEARCH and configuring the Elastic Search specific configuration parameters.

Note that the Elastic Search implementation is still considered experimental and it is not advised to use it for production systems.

User Interface

  • Tags can be created and deleted via the Tags screen in the UI.







New User Interface (“PolyGerrit”)

Gerrit now includes a new user interface, referred to as “PolyGerrit”, based on Polymer.

The UI can be switched between PolyGerrit and GWT by clicking the “New UI” and “Old UI” links in the site footer. Alternatively, the UI can be switched by adding ?polygerrit=1 or ?polygerrit=0 to the URL.

Note that PolyGerrit is still under development. Most use cases are supported, but there are still some missing features compared to the GWT UI.


  • Issue 4507: Add support for elliptic curve/ed25519 SSH keys.


Dependency Updates

  • Update auto-value to 1.4

  • Update Bouncy Castle to 1.56

  • Update codemirror to 5.25.0

  • Update commons-compress to 1.12

  • Update Guava to 21.0

  • Update Guice to 4.1.0

  • Update GWT to 2.8.0

  • Update gwtjsonrpc to 1.11

  • Update gwtorm to 1.17

  • Update JavaEWAH to 1.1.6

  • Update JGit to

  • Update jsch to 0.54

  • Update Lucene to 5.5.2

  • Update mina to 2.0.16

  • Update ow2-asm to 5.1

  • Update prolog-cafe to 1.4.2

  • Update SSHD to 1.4.0