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# Configuration
The `gitiles.config` file supporting the site contains several configuration
## Core configuration
### Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Gitiles sets the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header to the
HTTP origin of the client if the client's domain matches a regular
expression defined in `allowOriginRegex`.
allowOriginRegex = http://localhost
By default `allowOriginRegex` is unset, denying all cross-origin requests.
## Markdown
### Disabling markdown
Markdown can be completely disabled by setting render to false.
render = false
### Markdown size
Markdown files are limited by default to 5 MiB of input text
per file. This limit is configurable, but should not be raised
beyond available memory.
inputLimit = 5M
### Image size
Referenced [images are inlined](#Images) as base64 encoded URIs.
The image limit places an upper bound on the byte size of input.
imageLimit = 256K
### IFrames
IFrame source URLs can be whitelisted by providing a list of allowed
URLs. URLs ending with a `/` are treated as prefixes, allowing any source
URL beginning with that prefix.
allowiframe =
URLs not ending with a `/` are treated as exact matches, and only those
source URLs will be allowed.
allowiframe =
allowiframe =
If the list has a single entry with the value `true`, all source URLs
will be allowed.
allowiframe = true
## Google Analytics
[Google Analytics]( can be
enabled on every rendered markdown page by adding the Property ID
to the configuration file:
analyticsId = UA-XXXX-Y