blob: f231aa223503c3fc1945a68efd00b716dbec704d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import * as common from 'com/google/gitiles/templates/';
import * as objDetail from 'com/google/gitiles/templates/';
* Detail page showing a shortlog for a commit.
{template logDetail stricthtml="false"}
{@param title: ?} /** human-readable revision name. */
{@param repositoryName: ?} /** name of this repository. */
{@param? menuEntries: ?} /** menu entries. */
{@param? customVariant: ?} /** variant name for custom styling. */
{@param breadcrumbs: ?} /** breadcrumbs for this page. */
{@param? tags: ?} /** optional list of tags encountered when peeling this object, with keys
corresponding to gitiles.tagDetail. */
{call common.header data="all" /}
{if $tags}
{for $tag in $tags}
{call objDetail.tagDetail data="$tag" /}
{call common.streamingPlaceholder /}
{call common.footer}
{param customVariant: $customVariant /}
* Header for list of log entries.
{template logEntriesHeader stricthtml="false"}
{@param? previousUrl: ?} /** URL for the previous page of results. */
{if $previousUrl}
<nav class="LogNav">
<a class="LogNav-prev" href="{$previousUrl}">{msg desc="text for previous URL"}&laquo; Previous{/msg}</a>
<ol class="CommitLog">
* Wrapper for a single log entry with pretty format and variant.
{template logEntryWrapper}
{@param variant: string} /** variant name for log entry template. */
{@param entry: ?} /** log entry; see .logEntry. */
<li class="CommitLog-item CommitLog-item--{$variant}">
{call logEntry variant="$variant" data="$entry" /}
* Footer for the list of log entries.
{template logEntriesFooter stricthtml="false"}
{@param? nextUrl: ?} /** URL for the next page of results. */
{@param? nextText: ?} /** text for next page link. */
{if $nextUrl}
<nav class="LogNav">
<a class="LogNav-next" href="{$nextUrl}">{$nextText} &raquo;</a>
* Single log entry indicating the full log is empty.
{template emptyLog}
<li class="CommitLog-item CommitLog-item--empty">{msg desc="informational text for when the log is empty"}No commits.{/msg}</li>
* Single pretty log entry, similar to --pretty=oneline.
{template oneLineLogEntry visibility="private" modifies="logEntry" variant="'oneline'"}
{@param abbrevSha: ?} /** abbreviated SHA-1. */
{@param sha: ?} /** commit SHA-1. */
{@param url: ?} /** URL to commit detail page. */
{@param shortMessage: ?} /** short commit message. */
{@param message: ?} /** list of commit message parts, where each part contains:
text: raw text of the part.
url: optional URL that should be linked to from the part.
{@param author: ?} /** author information with at least "name" and "relativeTime" keys. */
{@param committer: ?} /** committer information with at least "time" and "relativeTime" keys. */
{@param branches: ?} /** list of branches for this entry, with "name" and "url" keys. */
{@param tags: ?} /** list of tags for this entry, with "name" and "url" keys. */
{@param diffTree: ?} /** unused in this variant. */
{@param rename: ?} /** if this entry was a rename or a copy of the path, an object containg:
changeType: the change type, "RENAME" or "COPY".
oldPath: the old path prior to the rename or copy.
newPath: the new path after the rename or copy.
score: the similarity score of the rename or copy.
<a class="u-sha1 u-monospace CommitLog-sha1" href="{$url}">{$abbrevSha}</a>
{sp}<a href="{$url}">{$shortMessage}</a>
{sp}<span class="CommitLog-author" title="{$}">{msg desc="commit author name"}by {$}{/msg}</span>
{sp}<span class="CommitLog-time" title="{$author.time}">ยท {$author.relativeTime}</span>
{if length($branches)}
{for $branch in $branches}
{sp}<a class="CommitLog-branchLabel" href="{$branch.url}">{$}</a>
{if length($tags)}
{for $tag in $tags}
{sp}<a class="CommitLog-tagLabel" href="{$tag.url}">{$}</a>
{if $rename}
<span class="CommitLog-rename">
{switch $rename.changeType}
{case 'RENAME'}
{case 'COPY'}
{if $rename.score != 100}
{sp}from {$rename.oldPath}]
* Default single log entry (oneline format).
{template logEntry modifiable="true" legacydeltemplatenamespace="gitiles.LogEntry" usevarianttype="string"}
{@param abbrevSha: ?} /** abbreviated SHA-1. */
{@param sha: ?} /** commit SHA-1. */
{@param url: ?} /** URL to commit detail page. */
{@param shortMessage: ?} /** short commit message. */
{@param message: ?} /** list of commit message parts, where each part contains:
text: raw text of the part.
url: optional URL that should be linked to from the part.
{@param author: ?} /** author information with at least "name" and "relativeTime" keys. */
{@param committer: ?} /** committer information with at least "time" and "relativeTime" keys. */
{@param branches: ?} /** list of branches for this entry, with "name" and "url" keys. */
{@param tags: ?} /** list of tags for this entry, with "name" and "url" keys. */
{@param diffTree: ?} /** unused in this variant. */
{@param rename: ?} /** if this entry was a rename or a copy of the path, an object containg:
changeType: the change type, "RENAME" or "COPY".
oldPath: the old path prior to the rename or copy.
newPath: the new path after the rename or copy.
score: the similarity score of the rename or copy.
{call logEntry variant="'oneline'" data="all" /}
* Single pretty log entry, similar to --pretty=full.
{template fullLogEntry visibility="private" modifies="logEntry" variant="'full'"}
{@param abbrevSha: ?} /** abbreviated SHA-1. */
{@param sha: ?} /** commit SHA-1. */
{@param url: ?} /** URL to commit detail page. */
{@param shortMessage: ?} /** short commit message. */
{@param message: ?} /** list of commit message parts, where each part contains:
text: raw text of the part.
url: optional URL that should be linked to from the part.
{@param author: ?} /** author information with at least "name" and "relativeTime" keys. */
{@param committer: ?} /** committer information with at least "time" and "relativeTime" keys. */
{@param branches: ?} /** list of branches for this entry, with "name" and "url" keys. */
{@param tags: ?} /** list of tags for this entry, with "name" and "url" keys. */
{@param diffTree: ?} /** unused in this variant. */
{@param rename: ?} /** if this entry was a rename or a copy of the path, an object containg:
changeType: the change type, "RENAME" or "COPY".
oldPath: the old path prior to the rename or copy.
newPath: the new path after the rename or copy.
score: the similarity score of the rename or copy.
<div class="u-monospace Metadata">
<th class="Metadata-title">{msg desc="Header for commit SHA entry"}commit{/msg}</th>
<td class="sha1">
<a href="{$url}">{$sha}</a>
{if length($branches)}
{for $branch in $branches}
{sp}<a href="{$branch.url}" class="branch-label">{$}</a>
{if length($tags)}
{for $tag in $tags}
{sp}<a href="{$tag.url}" class="tag-label">{$}</a>
<th class="Metadata-title">{msg desc="Header for commit author"}author{/msg}</th>
{call objDetail.person_ data="$author" /}
<th class="Metadata-title">{msg desc="Header for committer"}committer{/msg}</th>
{call objDetail.person_ data="$committer" /}
{if $rename}
<td colspan="3">
<span class="CommitLog-rename">
{switch $rename.changeType}
{case 'RENAME'}
{case 'COPY'}
{if $rename.score != 100}
{sp}from {$rename.oldPath}]
<pre class="u-pre u-monospace MetadataMessage">
* Single pretty log entry, similar to --pretty=fuller
{template fullerLogEntry visibility="private" modifies="logEntry" variant="'fuller'"}
{@param abbrevSha: ?} /** abbreviated SHA-1. */
{@param sha: ?} /** commit SHA-1. */
{@param url: ?} /** URL to commit detail page. */
{@param shortMessage: ?} /** short commit message. */
{@param message: ?} /** list of commit message parts, where each part contains: text: raw text of
the part. url: optional URL that should be linked to from the part. */
{@param author: ?} /** author information with at least "name" and "relativeTime" keys. */
{@param committer: ?} /** committer information with at least "time" and "relativeTime" keys. */
{@param branches: ?} /** list of branches for this entry, with "name" and "url" keys. */
{@param tags: ?} /** list of tags for this entry, with "name" and "url" keys. */
{@param diffTree: ?} /** list of changed tree entries with the following keys: changeType: string
matching an org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry.ChangeType constant. path: (new) path of the tree
entry. oldPath: old path, only for renames and copies. url: URL to a detail page for the tree
entry. diffUrl: URL to a diff page for the tree entry's diff in this commit. */
{@param rename: ?} /** if this entry was a rename or a copy of the path, an object containg:
changeType: the change type, "RENAME" or "COPY". oldPath: the old path prior to the rename or
copy. newPath: the new path after the rename or copy. score: the similarity score of the
rename or copy. */
{call logEntry variant="'full'" data="all" /}
{if $diffTree && length($diffTree)}
<ul class="DiffTree">
{for $entry in $diffTree}
<a href="{$entry.url}">{$entry.path}</a>
{switch $entry.changeType}
{case 'ADD'}
<span class="DiffTree-action DiffTree-action--add">
{msg desc="Text for a new tree entry"}
[Added - <a href="{$entry.diffUrl}">diff</a>]
{case 'MODIFY'}
<span class="DiffTree-action DiffTree-action--modify">
{msg desc="Text for a modified tree entry"}
[<a href="{$entry.diffUrl}">diff</a>]
{case 'DELETE'}
<span class="DiffTree-action DiffTree-action--delete">
{msg desc="Text for a deleted tree entry"}
[Deleted - <a href="{$entry.diffUrl}">diff</a>]
{case 'RENAME'}
<span class="DiffTree-action DiffTree-action--rename">
{msg desc="Text for a renamed tree entry"}
[Renamed from {$entry.oldPath} - <a href="{$entry.diffUrl}">diff</a>]
{case 'COPY'}
<span class="DiffTree-action DiffTree-action--copy">
{msg desc="Text for a copied tree entry"}
[Copied from {$entry.oldPath} - <a href="{$entry.diffUrl}">diff</a>]