blob: 627bf962ea677a1abdd9ba789e9267a1876093ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
{namespace gitiles}
* Detailed listing of a commit.
* @param author map with "name", "email", and "time" keys for the commit author.
* @param committer map with "name", "email", and "time" keys for the committer.
* @param sha commit SHA-1.
* @param tree tree SHA-1.
* @param treeUrl tree URL.
* @param parents list of parent objects with the following keys:
* sha: SHA-1.
* url: URL to view the parent commit.
* diffUrl: URL to display diffs relative to this parent.
* blameUrl: optional URL to display blame of a file at this parent.
* @param message list of commit message parts, where each part contains:
* text: raw text of the part.
* url: optional URL that should be linked to from the part.
* @param diffTree list of changed tree entries with the following keys:
* changeType: string matching an org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry.ChangeType
* constant.
* path: (new) path of the tree entry.
* oldPath: old path, only for renames and copies.
* url: URL to a detail page for the tree entry.
* diffUrl: URL to a diff page for the tree entry's diff in this commit.
* @param logUrl URL to a log page starting at this commit.
* @param archiveUrl URL to a download link of this commit as an archive.
* @param archiveType type of the archive to download.
{template .commitDetail}
<div class="u-monospace Metadata">
<th class="Metadata-title">{msg desc="Header for commit SHA entry"}commit{/msg}</th>
[<a href="{$logUrl}">{msg desc="text for the log link"}log{/msg}</a>]
{sp}<span>[<a href="{$archiveUrl}">{$archiveType}</a>]</span>
<th class="Metadata-title">{msg desc="Header for commit author"}author{/msg}</th>
<td>{call .person_ data="$author" /}</td>
<th class="Metadata-title">{msg desc="Header for committer"}committer{/msg}</th>
<td>{call .person_ data="$committer" /}</td>
<th class="Metadata-title">{msg desc="Header for tree SHA entry"}tree{/msg}</th>
<td><a href="{$treeUrl}">{$tree}</a></td>
{for $parent in $parents}
<th class="Metadata-title">{msg desc="Header for parent SHA"}parent{/msg}</th>
<a href="{$parent.url}">{$parent.sha}</a>
[<a href="{$parent.diffUrl}">{msg desc="text for the parent diff link"}diff{/msg}</a>]
{if isNonnull($parent.blameUrl)}
{sp}[<a href="{$parent.blameUrl}">{msg desc="text for the parent blame link"}blame{/msg}</a>]
{call .message_}
{param className: 'u-pre u-monospace MetadataMessage' /}
{param message: $message /}
{if $diffTree and length($diffTree)}
<ul class="DiffTree">
{for $entry in $diffTree}
<a href="{$entry.url}">{$entry.path}</a>
{switch $entry.changeType}
{case 'ADD'}
<span class="DiffTree-action DiffTree-action--add">
{msg desc="Text for a new tree entry"}
[Added - <a href="{$entry.diffUrl}">diff</a>]
{case 'MODIFY'}
<span class="DiffTree-action DiffTree-action--modify">
{msg desc="Text for a modified tree entry"}
[<a href="{$entry.diffUrl}">diff</a>]
{case 'DELETE'}
<span class="DiffTree-action DiffTree-action--delete">
{msg desc="Text for a deleted tree entry"}
[Deleted - <a href="{$entry.diffUrl}">diff</a>]
{case 'RENAME'}
<span class="DiffTree-action DiffTree-action--rename">
{msg desc="Text for a renamed tree entry"}
[Renamed from {$entry.oldPath} - <a href="{$entry.diffUrl}">diff</a>]
{case 'COPY'}
<span class="DiffTree-action DiffTree-action--copy">
{msg desc="Text for a copied tree entry"}
[Copied from {$entry.oldPath} - <a href="{$entry.diffUrl}">diff</a>]
<div class="DiffSummary">
{if length($diffTree) == 1}
{msg desc="1 file changed"}1 file changed{/msg}
{msg desc="number of files changed"}{length($diffTree)} files changed{/msg}
* Detailed listing of a tree.
* @param sha SHA of this path's tree.
* @param? logUrl optional URL to a log for this path.
* @param? archiveUrl optional URL to a download link of this tree as an archive.
* @param? archiveType type of the archive to download, if archiveUrl is set.
* @param entries list of entries with the following keys:
* type: entry type, matching one of the constant names defined in
* org.eclipse.jgit.lib.FileMode.
* name: tree entry name.
* url: URL to link to.
* targetName: name of a symlink target, required only if type == 'SYMLINK'.
* targetUrl: optional url of a symlink target, required only if
* type == 'SYMLINK'.
* @param? readmePath optional path of the selected file.
* @param? readmeHtml optional rendered contents.
{template .treeDetail}
<div class="TreeDetail">
<div class="u-sha1 u-monospace TreeDetail-sha1">
{msg desc="SHA-1 for the path's tree"}tree: {$sha}{/msg}
{if $logUrl}{sp}[<a href="{$logUrl}">{msg desc="history for a path"}path history{/msg}</a>]{/if}
{if $archiveUrl}
{sp}<span>[<a href="{$archiveUrl}">{$archiveType}</a>]</span>
{if length($entries)}
<ol class="FileList">
{for $entry in $entries}
<li class="FileList-item{sp}
{switch $entry.type}
{case 'TREE'}FileList-item--gitTree
{case 'SYMLINK'}FileList-item--symlink
{case 'REGULAR_FILE'}FileList-item--regularFile
{case 'EXECUTABLE_FILE'}FileList-item--executableFile
{case 'GITLINK'}gitlink
" title="
{switch $entry.type}
{case 'TREE'}{msg desc="Alt text for tree icon"}Tree{/msg}
{case 'SYMLINK'}{msg desc="Alt text for symlink icon"}Symlink{/msg}
{case 'REGULAR_FILE'}{msg desc="Alt text for regular file icon"}Regular file{/msg}
{msg desc="Alt text for executable file icon"}Executable file{/msg}
{case 'GITLINK'}
{msg desc="Alt text for git submodule link icon"}Git submodule link{/msg}
{default}{msg desc="Alt text for other file icon"}Other{/msg}
{sp}- {$}">
<a class="FileList-itemLink" href="{$entry.url}">{$}</a>
{if $entry.type == 'SYMLINK'}
{if $entry.targetUrl}
<a href="{$entry.targetUrl}">{$entry.targetName}</a>
// TODO(dborowitz): Something reasonable for gitlinks.
<p>{msg desc="Informational text for when a tree is empty"}This tree is empty.{/msg}</p>
{if $readmeHtml}
<div class="InlineReadme">
<div class="InlineReadme-path">{$readmePath}</div>
<div class="doc">{$readmeHtml}</div>
* Common header for a blob shared between detail, blame, etc. views.
* @param sha SHA of this file's blob.
* @param? fileUrl optional URL to a detail view of this file.
* @param? logUrl optional URL to a log for this file.
* @param? blameUrl optional URL to a blame for this file.
* @param? docUrl optional URL to view rendered file.
{template .blobHeader}
<div class="u-sha1 u-monospace BlobSha1">
{msg desc="SHA-1 for the file's blob"}blob: {$sha}{/msg}
{if $fileUrl}{sp}[<a href="{$fileUrl}">{msg desc="detail view of a file"}file{/msg}</a>]{/if}
{if $logUrl}{sp}[<a href="{$logUrl}">{msg desc="history for a file"}log{/msg}</a>]{/if}
{if $blameUrl}{sp}[<a href="{$blameUrl}">{msg desc="blame for a file"}blame{/msg}</a>]{/if}
{if $docUrl}{sp}[<a href="{$docUrl}">{msg desc="view rendered file"}view{/msg}</a>]{/if}
* Detailed listing of a blob.
* @param sha SHA of this file's blob.
* @param? logUrl optional URL to a log for this file.
* @param? blameUrl optional URL to a blame for this file.
* @param lines lines (may be empty), or null for a binary file. Each line
* is a list of entries with "classes" and "text" fields for pretty-printed
* spans.
* @param? size for binary files only, size in bytes.
{template .blobDetail}
{call .blobHeader data="all" /}
{if $lines != null}
{if $lines}
<table class="FileContents">
{for $line in $lines}
{let $n: index($line) + 1 /}
<tr class="u-pre u-monospace FileContents-line">
<td class="u-lineNum u-noSelect FileContents-lineNum"
data-line-number="{$n}" onclick="window.location.hash='#{$n}'"></td>
<td class="FileContents-lineContents" id="{$n}">
{for $span in $line}
<span class="{$span.classes}">{$span.text}</span>
<div class="FileContents-empty">Empty file</div>
<div class="FileContents-binary">
{msg desc="size of binary file in bytes"}{$size}-byte binary file{/msg}
* Detailed listing of an annotated tag.
* @param sha SHA of this tag.
* @param? tagger optional map with "name", "email", and "time" keys for the
* tagger.
* @param object SHA of the object this tag points to.
* @param message tag message.
{template .tagDetail}
<div class="u-monospace Metadata">
<th class="Metadata-title">{msg desc="Header for tag SHA entry"}tag{/msg}</th>
<td class="sha">{$sha}</td>
{if $tagger}
<th class="Metadata-title">{msg desc="Header for tagger"}tagger{/msg}</th>
<td>{call .person_ data="$tagger" /}</td>
<th class="Metadata-title">{msg desc="Header for tagged object SHA"}object{/msg}</th>
<td class="sha">{$object}</td>
{if $message and length($message)}
{call .message_}
{param className: 'u-pre u-monospace MetadataMessage' /}
{param message: $message /}
* Line about a git person identity.
* @param name name.
* @param email email.
{template .person_}
{$name}{if $email} &lt;{$email}&gt;{/if}
* Preformatted message, possibly containing hyperlinks.
* @param className CSS class name for <pre> block.
* @param message list of message parts, where each part contains:
* text: raw text of the part.
* url: optional URL that should be linked to from the part.
{template .message_ visibility="private"}
<pre class="{$className}">
{for $part in $message}
{if $part.url}<a href="{$part.url}">{$part.text}</a>{else}{$part.text}{/if}