blob: d9c1c08e4b26f80d9ffdf85ef86564fdf93c960a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.gitblit.servlet;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import com.gitblit.Constants.AccessRestrictionType;
import com.gitblit.Constants.AuthorizationControl;
import com.gitblit.GitBlitException;
import com.gitblit.IStoredSettings;
import com.gitblit.Keys;
import com.gitblit.manager.IFederationManager;
import com.gitblit.manager.IUserManager;
import com.gitblit.models.RepositoryModel;
import com.gitblit.models.UserModel;
import com.gitblit.utils.StringUtils;
import dagger.ObjectGraph;
* The GitFilter is an AccessRestrictionFilter which ensures that Git client
* requests for push, clone, or view restricted repositories are authenticated
* and authorized.
* @author James Moger
public class GitFilter extends AccessRestrictionFilter {
protected static final String gitReceivePack = "/git-receive-pack";
protected static final String gitUploadPack = "/git-upload-pack";
protected static final String[] suffixes = { gitReceivePack, gitUploadPack, "/info/refs", "/HEAD",
"/objects" };
private IStoredSettings settings;
private IUserManager userManager;
private IFederationManager federationManager;
protected void inject(ObjectGraph dagger, FilterConfig filterConfig) {
super.inject(dagger, filterConfig);
this.settings = dagger.get(IStoredSettings.class);
this.userManager = dagger.get(IUserManager.class);
this.federationManager = dagger.get(IFederationManager.class);
* Extract the repository name from the url.
* @param cloneUrl
* @return repository name
public static String getRepositoryName(String value) {
String repository = value;
// get the repository name from the url by finding a known url suffix
for (String urlSuffix : suffixes) {
if (repository.indexOf(urlSuffix) > -1) {
repository = repository.substring(0, repository.indexOf(urlSuffix));
return repository;
* Extract the repository name from the url.
* @param url
* @return repository name
protected String extractRepositoryName(String url) {
return GitFilter.getRepositoryName(url);
* Analyze the url and returns the action of the request. Return values are
* either "/git-receive-pack" or "/git-upload-pack".
* @param serverUrl
* @return action of the request
protected String getUrlRequestAction(String suffix) {
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(suffix)) {
if (suffix.startsWith(gitReceivePack)) {
return gitReceivePack;
} else if (suffix.startsWith(gitUploadPack)) {
return gitUploadPack;
} else if (suffix.contains("?service=git-receive-pack")) {
return gitReceivePack;
} else if (suffix.contains("?service=git-upload-pack")) {
return gitUploadPack;
} else {
return gitUploadPack;
return null;
* Returns the user making the request, if the user has authenticated.
* @param httpRequest
* @return user
protected UserModel getUser(HttpServletRequest httpRequest) {
UserModel user = authenticationManager.authenticate(httpRequest, requiresClientCertificate());
if (user == null) {
user = federationManager.authenticate(httpRequest);
return user;
* Determine if a non-existing repository can be created using this filter.
* @return true if the server allows repository creation on-push
protected boolean isCreationAllowed() {
return settings.getBoolean(Keys.git.allowCreateOnPush, true);
* Determine if the repository can receive pushes.
* @param repository
* @param action
* @return true if the action may be performed
protected boolean isActionAllowed(RepositoryModel repository, String action) {
// the log here has been moved into ReceiveHook to provide clients with
// error messages
return true;
protected boolean requiresClientCertificate() {
return settings.getBoolean(Keys.git.requiresClientCertificate, false);
* Determine if the repository requires authentication.
* @param repository
* @param action
* @return true if authentication required
protected boolean requiresAuthentication(RepositoryModel repository, String action) {
if (gitUploadPack.equals(action)) {
// send to client
return repository.accessRestriction.atLeast(AccessRestrictionType.CLONE);
} else if (gitReceivePack.equals(action)) {
// receive from client
return repository.accessRestriction.atLeast(AccessRestrictionType.PUSH);
return false;
* Determine if the user can access the repository and perform the specified
* action.
* @param repository
* @param user
* @param action
* @return true if user may execute the action on the repository
protected boolean canAccess(RepositoryModel repository, UserModel user, String action) {
if (!settings.getBoolean(Keys.git.enableGitServlet, true)) {
// Git Servlet disabled
return false;
if (action.equals(gitReceivePack)) {
// push permissions are enforced in the receive pack
return true;
} else if (action.equals(gitUploadPack)) {
// Clone request
if (user.canClone(repository)) {
return true;
} else {
// user is unauthorized to clone this repository
logger.warn(MessageFormat.format("user {0} is not authorized to clone {1}",
user.username, repository));
return false;
return true;
* An authenticated user with the CREATE role can create a repository on
* push.
* @param user
* @param repository
* @param action
* @return the repository model, if it is created, null otherwise
protected RepositoryModel createRepository(UserModel user, String repository, String action) {
boolean isPush = !StringUtils.isEmpty(action) && gitReceivePack.equals(action);
if (isPush) {
if (user.canCreate(repository)) {
// user is pushing to a new repository
// validate name
if (repository.startsWith("../")) {
logger.error(MessageFormat.format("Illegal relative path in repository name! {0}", repository));
return null;
if (repository.contains("/../")) {
logger.error(MessageFormat.format("Illegal relative path in repository name! {0}", repository));
return null;
// confirm valid characters in repository name
Character c = StringUtils.findInvalidCharacter(repository);
if (c != null) {
logger.error(MessageFormat.format("Invalid character '{0}' in repository name {1}!", c, repository));
return null;
// create repository
RepositoryModel model = new RepositoryModel(repository);
if (user.isMyPersonalRepository( {
// personal repository, default to private for user
model.authorizationControl = AuthorizationControl.NAMED;
model.accessRestriction = AccessRestrictionType.VIEW;
} else {
// common repository, user default server settings
model.authorizationControl = AuthorizationControl.fromName(settings.getString(Keys.git.defaultAuthorizationControl, ""));
model.accessRestriction = AccessRestrictionType.fromName(settings.getString(Keys.git.defaultAccessRestriction, "PUSH"));
// create the repository
try {
repositoryManager.updateRepositoryModel(, model, true);
userManager.updateUserModel(user.username, user);"{0} created {1} ON-PUSH", user.username,;
return repositoryManager.getRepositoryModel(;
} catch (GitBlitException e) {
logger.error(MessageFormat.format("{0} failed to create repository {1} ON-PUSH!", user.username,, e);
} else {
logger.warn(MessageFormat.format("{0} is not permitted to create repository {1} ON-PUSH!", user.username, repository));
// repository could not be created or action was not a push
return null;