GitBlit YouTrack Receive Hook

GitBlit receive hook for updating referenced YouTrack issues.

This script has only been tested with the cloud hosted YouTrack instance.


Due to limited authentication options when using the YouTrack REST API, you have to store a username and password for an account with appropriate permissions for adding comments to any issue. Hopefully in the future YouTrack will support API keys or similar.

  1. Update your file with the following entries:

    • groovy.customFields = "youtrackProjectID=YouTrack Project ID" (or append to existing setting)
    • =
    • youtrack.user = ytUser
    • youtrack.pass = insecurep@sswordsRus

    (But using your own host and credential info).

  2. Copy the youtrack.groovy script to the <gitblit-data-dir>/groovy scripts directory.

  3. In GitBlit, go to a repository, click the edit button, then click the receive link. In the post0receive scripts section you should see youtrack as an option. Move it over to the Selected column.

  4. At the bottom of this same screen should should be a custom fields section with a YouTrack Project ID field. Enter the YouTrack Project ID associated with the repository.

  5. When you commit changes, reference YouTrack issues with #{projectID}-{issueID} where {projectID} is the YouTrack Project ID, and {issueID} is the issue number. For example, to references issue 34 in project fizz:

     git commit -m'Changed bazinator to fix issue #fizz-34.'

    Multiple issues may be referenced in the same commit message.


Much of this script was cobbled together from the example receive hooks in the official GitBlit distribution.