superproject: Move enrollment to opt-out when enabled globally

Our internal experiments was a success so far and we are enrolling 100%
users now.  Instead of asking every two weeks, simply consider a lack of
unexpired choice as accepting the system default.

With this change the user would still be able to override the system
default with --no-use-superproject, or to permanently set the choice in
user's profile with git config --global repo.superprojectchoice.

Bug: [google internal] b/190688390
Change-Id: Idc77a9cbf88a169d90304169e91f0d722dc4ac8b
Tested-by: Xin Li <>
Reviewed-by: Raman Tenneti <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 1dd5943..935e125 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
   user_value = user_cfg.GetBoolean('repo.superprojectChoice')
   if user_value is not None:
     user_expiration = user_cfg.GetInt('repo.superprojectChoiceExpire')
-    if user_expiration is not None and (user_expiration <= 0 or user_expiration >= time_now):
+    if user_expiration is None or user_expiration <= 0 or user_expiration >= time_now:
       # TODO(b/190688390) - Remove prompt when we are comfortable with the new
       # default value.
       if user_value:
@@ -388,44 +388,18 @@
   system_value = system_cfg.GetBoolean('repo.superprojectChoice')
   if system_value:
     # The system configuration is proposing that we should enable the
-    # use of superproject. Present this to user for confirmation if we
-    # are on a TTY, or, when we are not on a TTY, accept the system
-    # default for this time only.
+    # use of superproject. Treat the user as enrolled for two weeks.
     # TODO(b/190688390) - Remove prompt when we are comfortable with the new
     # default value.
-    prompt = ('Repo can now use Git submodules (go/android-submodules-quickstart) '
-              'instead of manifests to represent the state of the Android '
-              'superproject, which results in faster syncs and better atomicity.\n\n')
-    if sys.stdout.isatty():
-      prompt += 'Would you like to opt in for two weeks (y/N)? '
-      response = input(prompt).lower()
-      time_choiceexpire = time_now + (86400 * 14)
-      if response in ('y', 'yes'):
-        userchoice = True
-      elif response in ('a', 'always'):
-        userchoice = True
-        time_choiceexpire = 0
-      elif response == 'never':
-        userchoice = False
-        time_choiceexpire = 0
-      elif response in ('n', 'no'):
-        userchoice = False
-      else:
-        # Unrecognized user response, assume the intention was no, but
-        # only for 2 hours instead of 2 weeks to balance between not
-        # being overly pushy while still retain the opportunity to
-        # enroll.
-        userchoice = False
-        time_choiceexpire = time_now + 7200
-      user_cfg.SetString('repo.superprojectChoiceExpire', str(time_choiceexpire))
-      user_cfg.SetBoolean('repo.superprojectChoice', userchoice)
-      return userchoice
-    else:
-      print('Accepting once since we are not on a TTY', file=sys.stderr)
-      return True
+    userchoice = True
+    time_choiceexpire = time_now + (86400 * 14)
+    user_cfg.SetString('repo.superprojectChoiceExpire', str(time_choiceexpire))
+    user_cfg.SetBoolean('repo.superprojectChoice', userchoice)
+    print('You are automatically enrolled in Git submodules experiment '
+          '(go/android-submodules-quickstart) for another two weeks.\n',
+          file=sys.stderr)
+    return True
   # For all other cases, we would not use superproject by default.
   return False