blob: 4e806122a695f3544b4ce175241873c22c061da7 [file] [log] [blame]
Gerrit2 Feature Roadmap
Everything Gerrit1 does
This list is long so I'm not listing it all here.
Offline Support
Initially we will use Google Gears, but HTML 5 will include
standardized offline application support that we should make
use of. With GWT we can target both. The plan is to initially
target Google Gears, and add HTML 5 support once Gerrit 2 is
mostly functional and/if at least one major browser supports it.
Federated Instances
Gerrit 2 instances should be able to forward changes between
each other. This couples with the next item ("No Google") to
allow corporate contributors to open source projects to use a
Gerrit 2 server internally to review (and scrub protected IP)
prior to submitting changes upstream to a public Gerrit server
and an established open source project.
No Google Requirement
Gerrit 2 must not require any Google services to run. This makes
it suitable for installation inside of corporate firewalls where
information security demands certain data stays internal.
Arbitrary SQL Database
Gerrit 2 should support any standard SQL database, including
popular open source (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite) and pure Java
implementations (H2). Some commerical servers may wind up being
supported, but only by virtue of Gerrit 2 sticking to a very small,
commonly implemented subset of SQL.
This requirement (and the prior one) means Gerrit 2 won't run on
Google App Engine, as GAE does not support arbitrary SQL syntax.