blob: 0b755b785b39776dd50fa082ee3508411fc7a373 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.eclipse.jgit.annotations.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.ConfigInvalidException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Config;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
* Cached representation of values parsed from {@link
* <p>This class is immutable and thread-safe.
public abstract class CachedProjectConfig {
public abstract Project getProject();
public abstract ImmutableMap<AccountGroup.UUID, GroupReference> getGroups();
/** Returns a set of all groups used by this configuration. */
public ImmutableSet<AccountGroup.UUID> getAllGroupUUIDs() {
return getGroups().keySet();
* Returns the group reference for a {@link AccountGroup.UUID}, if the group is used by at least
* one rule.
public Optional<GroupReference> getGroup(AccountGroup.UUID uuid) {
return Optional.ofNullable(getGroups().get(uuid));
* Returns the group reference for matching the given {@code name}, if the group is used by at
* least one rule.
public Optional<GroupReference> getGroupByName(@Nullable String name) {
if (name == null) {
return Optional.empty();
return getGroups().values().stream().filter(g -> name.equals(g.getName())).findAny();
/** Returns the account section containing visibility information about accounts. */
public abstract AccountsSection getAccountsSection();
/** Returns a map of {@link AccessSection}s keyed by their name. */
public abstract ImmutableMap<String, AccessSection> getAccessSections();
/** Returns the {@link AccessSection} with to the given name. */
public Optional<AccessSection> getAccessSection(String refName) {
return Optional.ofNullable(getAccessSections().get(refName));
/** Returns all {@link AccessSection} names. */
public ImmutableSet<String> getAccessSectionNames() {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(getAccessSections().keySet());
* Returns the {@link BranchOrderSection} containing the order in which branches should be shown.
public abstract Optional<BranchOrderSection> getBranchOrderSection();
/** Returns the {@link ContributorAgreement}s keyed by their name. */
public abstract ImmutableMap<String, ContributorAgreement> getContributorAgreements();
/** Returns the {@link NotifyConfig}s keyed by their name. */
public abstract ImmutableMap<String, NotifyConfig> getNotifySections();
/** Returns the {@link LabelType}s keyed by their name. */
public abstract ImmutableMap<String, LabelType> getLabelSections();
/** Returns configured {@link ConfiguredMimeTypes}s. */
public abstract ConfiguredMimeTypes getMimeTypes();
/** Returns {@link SubscribeSection} keyed by the {@link Project.NameKey} they reference. */
public abstract ImmutableMap<Project.NameKey, SubscribeSection> getSubscribeSections();
/** Returns {@link StoredCommentLinkInfo} keyed by their name. */
public abstract ImmutableMap<String, StoredCommentLinkInfo> getCommentLinkSections();
/** Returns the blob ID of the {@code} file, if present. */
public abstract Optional<ObjectId> getRulesId();
// TODO(hiesel): This should not have to be an Optional.
/** Returns the SHA1 of the {@code refs/meta/config} branch. */
public abstract Optional<ObjectId> getRevision();
/** Returns the maximum allowed object size. */
public abstract long getMaxObjectSizeLimit();
/** Returns {@code true} if received objects should be checked for validity. */
public abstract boolean getCheckReceivedObjects();
/** Returns a list of panel sections keyed by title. */
public abstract ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableList<String>> getExtensionPanelSections();
public ImmutableList<SubscribeSection> getSubscribeSections(BranchNameKey branch) {
return filterSubscribeSectionsByBranch(getSubscribeSections().values(), branch);
public abstract ImmutableMap<String, String> getPluginConfigs();
* Returns the {@link Config} that got parsed from the specified {@code fileName} on {@code
* refs/meta/config}. The returned instance is a defensive copy of the cached value.
* @param fileName the name of the file. Must end in {@code .config}.
* @return an {@link Optional} of the {@link Config}. {@link Optional#empty()} if the file was not
* found or could not be parsed. {@link} will
* surface validation errors in case of a parsing issue.
public Optional<Config> getProjectLevelConfig(String fileName) {
checkState(fileName.endsWith(".config"), "file name must end in .config");
if (getProjectLevelConfigs().containsKey(fileName)) {
Config config = new Config();
try {
} catch (ConfigInvalidException e) {
// This is OK to propagate as IllegalStateException because it's a programmer error.
// The config was converted to a String using Config#toText. So #fromText must not
// throw a ConfigInvalidException
throw new IllegalStateException("invalid config for " + fileName, e);
return Optional.of(config);
return Optional.empty();
public abstract ImmutableMap<String, String> getProjectLevelConfigs();
public static Builder builder() {
return new AutoValue_CachedProjectConfig.Builder();
public abstract Builder toBuilder();
public abstract static class Builder {
public abstract Builder setProject(Project value);
public abstract Builder setAccountsSection(AccountsSection value);
public abstract Builder setBranchOrderSection(Optional<BranchOrderSection> value);
public Builder addGroup(GroupReference groupReference) {
groupsBuilder().put(groupReference.getUUID(), groupReference);
return this;
public Builder addAccessSection(AccessSection accessSection) {
accessSectionsBuilder().put(accessSection.getName(), accessSection);
return this;
public Builder addContributorAgreement(ContributorAgreement contributorAgreement) {
contributorAgreementsBuilder().put(contributorAgreement.getName(), contributorAgreement);
return this;
public Builder addNotifySection(NotifyConfig notifyConfig) {
notifySectionsBuilder().put(notifyConfig.getName(), notifyConfig);
return this;
public Builder addLabelSection(LabelType labelType) {
labelSectionsBuilder().put(labelType.getName(), labelType);
return this;
public abstract Builder setMimeTypes(ConfiguredMimeTypes value);
public Builder addSubscribeSection(SubscribeSection subscribeSection) {
subscribeSectionsBuilder().put(subscribeSection.project(), subscribeSection);
return this;
public Builder addCommentLinkSection(StoredCommentLinkInfo storedCommentLinkInfo) {
commentLinkSectionsBuilder().put(storedCommentLinkInfo.getName(), storedCommentLinkInfo);
return this;
public abstract Builder setRulesId(Optional<ObjectId> value);
public abstract Builder setRevision(Optional<ObjectId> value);
public abstract Builder setMaxObjectSizeLimit(long value);
public abstract Builder setCheckReceivedObjects(boolean value);
public abstract ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ImmutableList<String>>
public Builder setExtensionPanelSections(Map<String, List<String>> value) {
e ->
.put(e.getKey(), ImmutableList.copyOf(e.getValue())));
return this;
abstract ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> pluginConfigsBuilder();
public Builder addPluginConfig(String pluginName, String pluginConfig) {
pluginConfigsBuilder().put(pluginName, pluginConfig);
return this;
abstract ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> projectLevelConfigsBuilder();
public Builder addProjectLevelConfig(String configFileName, String config) {
projectLevelConfigsBuilder().put(configFileName, config);
return this;
public abstract CachedProjectConfig build();
protected abstract ImmutableMap.Builder<AccountGroup.UUID, GroupReference> groupsBuilder();
protected abstract ImmutableMap.Builder<String, AccessSection> accessSectionsBuilder();
protected abstract ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ContributorAgreement>
protected abstract ImmutableMap.Builder<String, NotifyConfig> notifySectionsBuilder();
protected abstract ImmutableMap.Builder<String, LabelType> labelSectionsBuilder();
protected abstract ImmutableMap.Builder<Project.NameKey, SubscribeSection>
protected abstract ImmutableMap.Builder<String, StoredCommentLinkInfo>
private static ImmutableList<SubscribeSection> filterSubscribeSectionsByBranch(
Collection<SubscribeSection> allSubscribeSections, BranchNameKey branch) {
ImmutableList.Builder<SubscribeSection> ret = ImmutableList.builder();
for (SubscribeSection s : allSubscribeSections) {
if (s.appliesTo(branch)) {