blob: c6bb7f182440d6ab860bbcfadc9901b0d94d1ee3 [file] [log] [blame]
BASE = get_base_path()
CORE = [
# Add custom core plugins here
# buck audit parses and resolves all deps even if not reachable
# from the root(s) passed to audit. Filter dependencies to only
# the ones that currently exist to allow buck to parse cleanly.
# TODO(sop): buck should more lazily resolve deps
def core_plugins(names):
from os import path
h, n = [], []
for p in names:
if path.exists(path.join(BASE, p, 'BUCK')):
return h, n
HAVE, NEED = core_plugins(CORE + CUSTOM)
name = 'core',
cmd = '' +
';'.join(['echo >&2 plugins/'+n+' is required.' for n in NEED]) +
(';echo >&2;exit 1;' if NEED else '') +
'mkdir -p $TMP/WEB-INF/plugins;' +
'for s in ' +
' '.join(['$(location //%s/%s:%s)' % (BASE, n, n) for n in HAVE]) +
';do ln -s $s $TMP/WEB-INF/plugins;done;' +
'cd $TMP;' +
'zip -qr $OUT .',
out = '',
visibility = ['//:release'],